-----Original Message----- From: Piyush Verma
Sent: Tuesday, April 02, 2013 3:27 PM
To: inline@perl.org
Subject: Hitting issue of Inline::Config existance


I am hitting issue.
* Failed to load Inline Java:As of Inline v0.30, use of the Inline::Config
module is no longer supported*
*or allowed. If Inline::Config exists on your system, it can be removed.
*the Inline documentation for information on how to configure Inline.*
*(You should find it much more straightforward than Inline::Config :-)*

Wow - ancient history. I didn't know there ever was an Inline::Config module.

Please let me know where to find Inline::Config, to resolve this issue.

Relative to where Inline.pm is installed, you would find this Config.pm in the ./Inline folder. But maybe something else is going on - surely, you cannot be using Inline-0.26 or earlier.

Please point out if there is any other way of resolving this issue.

The error comes about from this line of code (in version 0.52 of Inline.pm):

   croak M14_usage_Config() if %main::Inline::Config::;

So, for you, %main::Inline::Config:: is returning true. I guess that means Inline::Config got loaded. (Can it mean anything else ?)

What do you get when you run:

perl -MInline::Config -le 'for(keys(%INC)){print "$_: $INC{$_}"}'

That should give at least confirm whether (and where) Inline::Config is to be found.

If you're on  MS Windows, you need to instead run:
perl -MInline::Config -le "for(keys(%INC)){print \"$_: $INC{$_}\"}"

What OS are you using ? ... which versions of Inline and Inline::Java ? ... and which version of perl ?


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