-----Original Message----- From: Brian Fraser via RT

To me it would seem more consistent to use the -w, -W operators
to check for every directory in the path if it
is writable at all. Then you can omit the
(stat("/usr/bin"))[2] & 0??? test completely and just write:

join ':', grep {not /^\./ and -d $_ and not -w $_ || -W $_
                                  } split /:/, $ENV{PATH};

This issue just bit me when smoking CPAN on Android. Unfortunately, the
above solution doesn't work for me.

tl;dr: Skipping the tests when $^O eq 'android' would probably be for the
best, if that filter is going to stay.

I've just uploaded Inline-0.53_01 to CPAN.
It includes Alexander's recommended change to env_untaint() and also has
08taint.t skip the tests for Android.

Brian/Alexander - if you want any additional changes to env_untaint (or
anything else, for that matter) just send me the patch and we should be able
to get it incorporated into the next stable release (0.54).

Thanks guys.


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