On 04/28/2014 09:09 AM, sisyph...@optusnet.com.au wrote:
From: Bill Moseley
Sent: Saturday, April 26, 2014 11:45 AM
To: inline@perl.org
Subject: Calling "use Inline" more than once?

Trying to work with some old code and noticed that "use Inline" is
called multiple times in the same package.

"use" is compile time, so I'm wondering if it makes sense to call "use
Inline" multiple times in the same package -- or really in the same app.

use module ...; is basically expanded to

  BEGIN {require module;}

What Inline does is calling the import method to generate the inlined parts. Multiple times.

Joke for ingy: Note that there is no definition for "outlined" parts yet, so there is no no Inline => bla part yet. (i.e. the unimport method)

This is using Inline::Java, and most of the "use Inline" calls are the
same with maybe only a change in what is passed to STUDY.

Is there any reason to call "use Inline" multiple times?

Hi Bill,

There *can* be valid reasons for the multiple calls - see Inline.pod for
some hints.

Presumably the specific calls you're looking at have some effect on the
way that the program runs - otherwise you could just remove them.



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