----Original Message----- From: Jason McCarver via RT

I'm working on a distribution which has multiple modules using Inline. Something like the following

Foo::Bar - uses Inline
Foo::Bar::Baz - uses Inline

I couldn't figure out how to make Inline::MakeMaker work in this scenario, so I've patched it to do what I think is correct.

Hi Jason,

To achieve a better understanding of the issue, I created a distro (attached) that matches the description provided. That is, it's a distro named 'Foo' that contains a Foo.pm (pure perl), a Foo/Bar/Bar.pm (which uses Inline) and a Foo/Bar/Baz/Baz.pm (which uses Inline) .... along with a MANIFEST, test scripts, and Makefiles.PL.

It builds and tests fine for me .... what modifications need to be made to it in order that the Inline::MakeMaker problems alluded to above become evident ?


Attachment: Foo.tar.gz
Description: GNU Zip compressed data

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