Reading further it is clear that you are installing Xfree.  If you are new
to this whole thing I would do the following, not because it is quick but
because it is informative.

1. Go to the Xfree web site and read the relevant man pages, you can also
get the most recent files there.
2. When you select the correct library lib6 or lib5 read the list of files
to download.
3. Initially set up the VGA server.  At least on the current Xfree code it
works fine (on an I7K).

This will get you through a basic Xfree install.  It is something you are
likely to need to do again so it is good practice.  Also, there are a
minimal set of unknowns in the previous procedure.  Once you have done
this you can go on to load patches, new kernels, whatever you want to try
and achieve a usable resolution.  Note if you have an I3K.x then this is
all irrelevant.  I would imagine that is not what you have since X would
have worked out of the box with RedHat.


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