On 1/3/12 11:33 , Carlos Pignataro wrote:
> Joel, Jared,
> On 12/27/2011 8:03 PM, Jared Mauch wrote:
>> Joel,
>> On Dec 24, 2011, at 1:28 PM, Joel jaeggli wrote:
>>> So, something targeted through the forwarding plane that filters up to
>>> the control plane will be filtered first either by source address or
>>> passed through a rate limiter or both because those are the protections
>>> we have that actually scale. Authentication increases the vulnerability
>>> to some kinds of abuse rather that decreasing it.
>> Thanks.  I think I mentioned this in another message, but captures an 
>> important
>> concern about the network elements being managed.  Implementation details 
>> matter.
> Yes, this is an inband packet flowing through the forwarding plane, that
> upon exception needs processing. What you describe is the existing
> traceroute mechanism, as well as other protocols, some widely
> operationally deployed (including MPLS Ping in RFC 4379 with the
> complexity and computational expense of a dsmap hashing, RAO in RFC 5971
> and RSVP, etc).

The existing icmp exception generation mechanism can and is distributed
to line card cpus in some router platforms. there's quantitative
differences associated with handling those requests in a distributed
fashion and punting them up to the control plane because you need more
information than is generally available on a linecard in order to
process the request. that applies both to the contents and the
authentication mechanism.

> I agree with your point that authentication increases the surface area
> for abuse in some conditions. I think that one approach here is to
> describe, in an applicability statement, in which cases an
> authentication is useful versus in which ones it is potentially harmful.
> Would you agree?

I think that would be acceptable.

> Also, please note that the authentication mechanism is not the most
> important part of draft-shen-traceroute-ping-ext.
> Thanks,
> -- Carlos.
>> - Jared

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