On Aug 6, 2012, at 5:29 PM, Dan Wing wrote:

> ...
> During the INTAREA presentation, one suggestion I heard was
> a separate protocol (ident-like).  I will submit an I-D towards
> that end, which I am dusting off from 2010 when I first 
> considered ident and discarded it for a variety of reasons.
> Do you have additional suggestions on how to accomplish convey
> an identifer?

There are two separate problems:

- establishing an identity and pairing it with a tag

- getting that tag into connections so each connection can be correlated back 
to the identity

This draft focuses on the second step. The first is either trivial (with 
cooperating entities) or needs to be inferred if possible (with 
non-cooperating/legacy entities). It doesn't matter whether the entity is a 
person or a machine in general, though this draft focuses on machine entities.

Any out-of-band mechanism shares the fate of "ident" in this doc, as noted in 
Sec 5.9, though. Is there a point to generating another solution in that space?


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