On Jun 5, 2014, at 4:28 PM, Brian E Carpenter <brian.e.carpen...@gmail.com> 
> I have to call you on that. WG adoption is not approval. It's agreement
> to work on a topic. It is not OK to attempt a pocket veto on adoption
> because you don't like the existing content.

WG adoption is a pretty heavy action.   It states that the WG has consensus to 
work on the document, and weighs heavily in the consensus evaluation during 
WGLC.   If there are problems with the document, part of the adoption process 
should be the identification of those flaws and an agreement to address them.   
So bringing up those flaws during the adoption process is crucial to the 

It's also worth noting that the INTAREA working group is a special working 
group, with an extremely broad charter, which is moderated by the fact that in 
order for work to be done by the working group, the Internet Area ADs have to 
approve the work.

So needless to say I at least am watching keenly to see if Stephen's objections 
are being addressed, and likely won't approve the adoption of the work if they 

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