On Mon, 19 Feb 2018, Tom Herbert wrote:

This draft discusses issue of privacy in IPv6 network prefix assignment. Specifically the privacy problems of an assigned network prefix becoming a persistent identifier for devices (e.g. /64 assignment to devices in mobile networks). The use of identifier/locator split is suggested as a solution.

Current state of available address for a PDN is /64. In most implementations I am aware of, if the PDN is brought down, and then up again, a new /64 will be used. The host can therefore control this part of "privacy", cycle PDN when it feels it's appropriate to get new address space to avoid tracking. I am supportive of this approach and any spatial overlap of multiple PDNs/address space approach, so that connections can be moved over to use the new address, gracefully.

I consider anything that gives the host less than /64 worth of addresses a regression from current situation. We can always discuss if /80 is enough etc, but anyhow, it's a regression that should be presented front and center by any proposed change to current state of affairs.

I have now read section 6 twice, and I still have no idea how many usable addresses the host has available to itself according to draft-herbert-ipv6-prefix-address-privacy-00.

Can you please enlighten me?

Mikael Abrahamsson    email: swm...@swm.pp.se

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