On Tue, Mar 15, 2022 at 2:59 PM Seth David Schoen <sch...@loyalty.org>

> When we presented our reserved address space drafts at the previous IETF
> meeting, we noticed that the most common concern was not so much about
> the substance of our proposals as about the question of whether intarea
> and the IETF should be working on IPv4 fixes at all

I can't say for sure whether this was the most common concern, but what I
remember as the main concern was that your proposal wouldn't actually do
what you want, but would create a great deal of work for the IETF and for
implementors, with no clear upside.

That’s actually a good test for whether it makes sense to do new IPv4
maintenance work, and I don’t think changing the balance on that is going
to be an improvement.
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