From: Int-area <> on behalf of Robert Moskowitz 
Sent: 08 September 2022 14:03
On 9/8/22 08:31, Pascal Thubert (pthubert) wrote:
> Hello Joel:
> SCHC could be used to compress IP option headers and the residue be stored in 
> a SCHC option, which a next header points at uncompressed transport (e.g., 
> encrypted, uncompressible).
> Additionally, finding the SCHC context may require metadata that could also 
> be found in a SCHC option. Over one hop in LPWAN that is all implicit but 
> over IP it might not be.
> SCHC is layered depending on which endpoint talks to which. E.g., you 
> compress a tunnel with inner that is already SCHC-compressed, you do 
> security, etc...
> So you could have SCHC options one after the other. We have not defined the 
> option yet, LPWAN is discussing recharter to cover SCHC applied beyond LPWANs.
> But since we're at it, let's do both in one RFC.
> Note that we'll also need a value for IPv6-Compression-Protocol Types, see 

I cannot find this IANA registry.  Can someone please provide the URL.


IP-Compression-Protocol Types in the Point-to-Point Protocol (PPP) Field 
Assignments  Group on the IANA website as set up by RFC1332.

Tom Petch

And this is why I have been instructed, and have adhered to, including
IANA URLs as informative references in my drafts.

Like in draft-moskowitz-intarea-schc-ip-protocol-number!


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