On Wed, Nov 9, 2022 at 7:47 AM Templin (US), Fred L
<fred.l.temp...@boeing.com> wrote:
> Richard, thank you for your message. The intarea community must understand 
> that
> the live IP Parcels presentation given today was only a “roadmap” to a proper
> presentation which could not be given due to time constraints. The charts 
> shown
> during the live presentation were skipped over quickly, but they provide full
> detail and are permanently available here:
> https://datatracker.ietf.org/meeting/115/materials/slides-115-intarea-ip-parcels
> Running code is also now permanently available here:
>   https://github.com/fltemplin/ip-parcels
> and provides clear evidence that IP parcels provide an appreciable performance
> gain which cannot be ignored any longer.
> IP parcels are good for the Internet, and the presentation charts and running 
> code
> provide clear evidence. It is time to adopt IP parcels.


Thanks for the data and implementation, but I'm still not convinced
that IP parcels should be adopted. Your data seems to show that when
the networking stack processes large segments performance increases
(fewer packets to process in the data path is a win). We've known this
for a long time and that's why stacks commonly implement various
segmentation techniques like GSO/TSO, GRO/LRO, UFO, USO, and more
recently BigTCP. Also, within the data center, 9K MTUs are becoming
common place which is even better than segmentation with 1500 byte
MTU. The major difference between these techniques and IP parcels is
that the segmentation techniques don't require any new protocol or
changes to an existing protocol, whereas IP parcels requires protocol
changes. So in order to justify IP parcels adoption, not just in IETF
but also upstreaming into Linux, I think you'll want to show that it
has significant benefits over the existing segmentation techniques to
justify the complexities and cost of a new protocol.


> Fred
> From: Int-area <int-area-boun...@ietf.org> On Behalf Of Richard Li
> Sent: Wednesday, November 09, 2022 6:12 AM
> To: int-area@ietf.org
> Subject: [Int-area] About draft-templin-intarea-parcels
> Hi Chairs and All,
> At today’s intarea meeting, the chair asked the participants if anybody has 
> an interest in this draft or not. If nobody is interested, this draft will be 
> closed, and if anyone is interested, he/she is asked to voice it on the 
> mailing list.
> As a follow up, I am expressing my interest in this draft, and would like to 
> see this draft open and let it go on. A few months ago, I asked its authors 
> several questions, and the authors answered and clarified them. I do see good 
> values for some use cases, especially for those in broadband access and jumbo 
> frames being used on the links. It seems to me that this draft points to a 
> useful direction, some rooms are remaining for expansion though.
> Thanks,
> Richard
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