Hola Folks!

If you haven't yet checked out this new Bobber Buoy technology to produce power from waves, it is the slickest, simplest thing I've yet seen;


10/12/05 - Up & Down wave motion to generate power simply

A generator that produces electricity from the ocean's swell has been unveiled, and its inventors hope that its simple design will beat existing wave-power technologies on efficiency and cost.

His invention uses the up and down motion of a floating buoy to move an electrical coil along a stack of magnets, which generates an alternating current in the coil.

"At a stroke you get rid of all the hydraulics that the rotary generators used by other wave power devices need," says Kelly. This should make the device relatively cheap and reliable, he says. And as the generator only moves up and down it takes up very little space, so a number of them could be crammed into a small area.

In July, Kelly tested a one-fifth scale model of the generator in a large wave tank at the New and Renewable Energy Centre in Blyth, Northumberland.

Results show that each full-scale generator should supply up to 100 kilowatts of power.
              Jerry Decker - http://www.keelynet.com
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