On Tue, 25 Oct 2005 11:50:40 -0700, Jerry Decker - KN wrote:

> Hola starwars/nobody et al!
> You refer of course to the comment about paying anonymously for a
> soliders meal if you see them in a restaurant wearing their
> uniforms.  A private matter of showing appreciation for the
> sacrifices they make in their lives on a personal level to serve in
> the military.

..coming late to this party, i am curious, as in, why you appreciate what they 
have done? How has it been a sacrifice on your behalf?

..and if you do something in exchange for their services, can it really be 
called a sacrifice?

> I had taken that down and made a couple of other page changes just
> today only because it had been up for a couple of months, now I'm
> thinking I'll put it back up.
> Unfortunately, your politics precludes your humanity.  I know
> several soldiers and the hardships placed on their families by low
> pay and minimal services for them.

..didn't they choose the level of pay they received? Didn't they know what 
might happen to them physically?

..putting this discussion back up would be a wise thing, considering that 
acquiring more 'free' energy, before acquiring a stable emotional base, could 
be self-defeating..

..Politic = city, Soldier = to pay. How do they mesh?

..If humanity gives impetus to politics, then politics should have humanities 
interests at heart. And if so, then leader/follower, as in 
politics/military/soldier/human-sacrifice, is relative to the resultant 
conditions of said soldier, which is a part of the whole of humanity. Therefore 
humanity is directly affected by politics. Which means politics results in the 
effects experienced by the human-soldier. This applies to the soldiers 
financial situation as well. Also, if said soldier was not performing for 
'sacrifice' then said soldier was doing it for financial gain, or joy.

..A sold-ier supposedly pays for the 'defense' of the city? If a soldier is not 
getting the support it needs from the city it 'defends', there must be a 
reason. This brings up the humanitarian motive, supposedly felt, and thereby 
motivating said war. This implys analysis of the motivation for war(politics), 
as well as the financial situation(a payed for meal) of said soldier.

> Anonymously buying them a meal is simply a matter of personal
> kindness that has nothing to do with politics but you have at least
> one axe and I suspect many more to grind, that limits your ability
> and willingness to see beyond your political views.

..there appears to be a mirror effect going on here..

> Its not a big deal to spring for a lunch or dinner...maybe you are
> just cheap?  Don't know, don't care.  Living in Mexico I don't see
> many soldiers but when I visit the US, and if I happen to see one
> or maybe more in a restaurant, I have no problem in a little
> gift/surprise of paying for their meal, anonymously given to make
> both our days.

..speaking of restaurants, ya know, alot of waitresses don't make very much 
money either.. and they are actually helping to deliver a prepared meal to you.

> Its a good idea on a personal level to help others without all the
> conspiracy and political baggage that some people have to drag
> around in their miserable, self-centered lives.

..that's true, and also applies when making the choice to enlist, fight and 
kill another 'for your country', considering that the situation could have been 
dealt with simply through discussion.

.. its just like making the choice to help those people that try to market an 
idea to gain research money, or are simply just doing something that looks like 
its worthy.. for they have to eat too, though i'm not exactly sure about that, 
..it's gonna require more research..

> Pretty pathetic that you are so ashamed of your own views that you
> hide behind a name like starwars/nobody to spout your malicious
> views....but then you should be ashamed.

..malicious/shame, ya mean like judging another based on their name? Is that 
like judging a book by its cover? Or like making that sort of comment at all..

> --
>               Jerry Decker - http://www.keelynet.com Donations to
> support KeelyNet: http://www.keelynet.com/donate1.htm       Public
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