oops, forgot to send it to the interact.. --- Original Message --- From: "craig" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> To: Jerry Decker - KN <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Cc: Sent: Wed, 26 Oct 2005 19:15:56 -0700 Subject: Re: [Keelynet] negative comments on the 'Thank a Soldier' idea
> > > On Tue, 25 Oct 2005 22:18:09 -0700, Jerry Decker - KN wrote: > >> Hola Craig! >> >> Lets see, now why would I post that to this list? Its really not >> KeelyNet type material but yet its not political, just a neat >> idea in my opinion that shows how a simple charitable act can >> become a bitching point for fanatics with an agenda. >> > > ..semantical comment: fanatic, as in, devotion to a cause? Is that > like your purpose of keelynet? > > ..hmm, i also note that it feels like your back-pedaling > > ..and another, which is you tend to bitch alot, in regards to > people with an agenda. > >> >> On KeelyNet there are MANY files of psychological/charity reports >> that don't directly deal with free energy, gravity or health >> which are the MAIN topics, not the ONLY topics. >> > > ..diversity of topic is fine, as it appears to me, that the actions > of 'keelynet' over the years, has been to seek out understanding. > So, with that intent, if i am correct in that, then that would > encompass many concepts/ideas. > >> >> The action of giving the cost of a meal in this case to my view >> is to thank them for giving up normal lives for military >> service, its not their doing where they are sent during that >> service. >> Its real simple once you get past the politics. Its just a nice >> thing to do. But some people like to drag in their agendas, >> usually political, conspiratorial, etc. >> > > ..choice is always available, if you can see it. > > ..The 'thanks' for giving up normal lives, still makes me ask, why? > Why does their giving up of a 'normal' life help you? Or should i > ask, how does it help you? How does it serve you? > > ..I understand the concept of doing nice things for people, > especially as a recurring pattern can be formed. So, as of this > moment, i would say that you are either feeling for the mistakes > one has made in the navigation of their life, and seeking to help > them through their own doing. Or you do not see beyond the > situation, and are blindingly and egotistically trying to save face. > > ..it is a common thing apparently to drag an agenda, or label > another with some kind of evil motive. I notice it here, on this > list, usually from your type. > > ..one thing that arises from this discussion, is the concept of > connectivity. As in, the raising of children/ignorance. As well as > the blindness that can occur amongst two people having a > discussion. When people typically discuss/argue about something, > they are usually saying the same thing, and focusing on the same > point, but using different perceptions to describe it. > >> >> Buying lunch for a solider, just SSSOOOO fraught with explosive >> intent and REaction from the Sheehans of the world. Such a >> horribly bad, politically incorrect thing to do...NOT. >> > > ..this is more like: a parent has a child. That child does > something to try and get what it wants. The parent doesn't want to > give that child what it wants, so ignores or reacts in a certain > manner. This parent is letting the child learn a lesson. But, > another adult is observing, and chooses to step in to the > situation. This is where misunderstanding occurs. Is this happening > right now? The lesson could be spoiled by the interference. Or the > parent could learn something too. > >> >> When one considers how much more money a person can make working >> as a civilian, that is the sacrifice they make to the service if >> not loss of a limb or outright death during the tour of duty. >> > > ..this is the sacrifice you talk of? That doesn't make sense. > That's like saying 'Oh, let me take the low paying job', for the > good of what? If we extend this idea out somewhat, then we could > ..say.. couple the low pay job with some kind of part in a machine. > Do you see why people might say something about questioning the > purpose of the machine? And do you see why a simple act of kindness > could interfere with a larger issue that effects many other issues. > If we are to be concerned about someone making a claim about a free > energy device, and asking for financial backing, then wouldn't it > also be of concern to question the purpose of the machine's use? > >> >> I saw how difficult it was for my brother and his family to >> survive on military pay back in the 70s and 80s as well as his >> comrades. Families living on military bases and the entire >> panpoply of difficulties they endure where they could just as >> easily have NOT GONE, choosing to stay and work as a civilian >> with much better and more profitable job and career prospects. >> > > ..hold on there horsey, let's not leave this as is.. finish what > you started! > > ..what did you learn from this? Was your heart wrenched? Did you > feel agony over the situation you witnessed? Did you want to do > something about it? Does every Sheehan want to also? Or do you feel > every Sheehan is slandering or making your witnessed hardship seem > futile? As if it had no purpose? That's it! Purpose? > >> >> About identity - People who don't have the cojones to identify >> themselves bug me, its cowardice or lack of courage of >> convictions to hide behind a curtain of anonymity. Its like >> voting, if you don't vote, then shut up bitching about the >> government and the way things are. >> > > ..ya know, i have used a pseudo name numerous times. I recall the > name 'craig' already being used numerous times as well, when > seeking to join some group or such. I also recall feeling playful, > when choosing a pseudo name, many times. That 'bug'ing you mention > is a personal opinion of yours, and in no way reflects anything > about anyone else but you. And aside from that, and about voting, > ..if i choose not to vote, then don't even think about trying to > apply your form of 'government' on to me. I choose what i am. I > choose what i do. I choose what i consume. I choose how i express > myself. And i will not leave the land mass i was born on, even if > you do not like my opinion. I do not need a baby sitter, though i > respect suggestions, and advice, and most certainly examples of how > to achieve some desired effect. > >> >> That said, I'm not going to belabor the point. I posted it to >> show the kind of reactions fanatics give while hiding behind a >> fake identity. >> > > ..nothing is more 'fake' than forgetting your just like everyone > else. Everyone is learning, and growing. And i don't really believe > that was your motive. Something about the way you have acted leads > me to say otherwise. > >> >> I have posted many somewhat offtopic post on the various versions >> of the KeelyNet and Interact lists over the years (as have >> others), its not the first and it won't be the last if I think >> it bears a lesson and this one did in my view. >> > > ..hey, its not my list, you don't need to kiss my ass. You have set > the rules here. If you have violated them, then they must not mean > that much after all. > >> >> If it offends you, I'm NOT sorry but you CHOSE to subscribe to >> this list and then in responding (NEVER to a technology post or >> comment), apparently defending the point and hidden identity >> approach. Very easy to unsubscribe and find a list of anonymous >> posters with political agendas. >> > > ..it does not offend me. I did choose to subscribe, and i am glad i > did. And still am. As for responding to technology, I have. Just > because you cannot recognize it doesn't mean i didn't. In fact, i > am responding to, and with, a very potent technology at this very > moment. Oh, and please don't mistake me for some new agey type. I > still respect your original motive for this list. And my intent for > subscribing to it is directly related to its purpose. > >> >> A point....why is it you guys say NOTHING about anything >> regarding technology or discussion comments in all the time you >> have been a subscriber, but can't wait to respond to non >> technology/political items that might strike a nerve? >> > > ..most of what is discussed is like bits and pieces of the whole. I > am only speaking for myself. A lot of what is discussed touches on > the same things over and over. My focus is on the interrelations of > all these things. Or in other words, how it all works together. > Some people can grasp onto the inner workings of a concept faster > than others, where some take longer to digest the concept. And of > course, that depends on what part each focuses on. Also, some > people have to have communication constantly, from my point of > view. And some have to communicate every now and then. In this > particular situation, i am making a point, at this moment in time, > because it is relative to many things. It just so happens to > involve politics, and semantics. After all, the language we use, > and the culture that forms, is important to the path that humanity > takes. This certainly includes technology. If you have something in > particular you want to discuss, make a point of it. Else continue > glossing over multiple variants of the effects of energy. > >> To me, its a TELLING POINT...that people sit on the sidelines, >> read, possibly absorb techical information for years...NEVER >> making a contribution in the slightest, no comments, no shared >> URLs, nothing shared relating to ANYTHING until a comment/post >> pushes a political button and then woops, pissed me off, time to >> make a post. >> Never mind about THE TONS of posts made for YEARS about >> technology or interesting alt science topics...those don't mean >> squat... >> > > ..not exactly, you like me, must have patience, for there have been > many times, in many situations that i have attempted to express > myself, but the communication was not received due to proximity and > similarity to the one i was communicating with. Consider that the > North poles of permanent magnets do not close the gap between them. > This should shine light upon the difficulty encountered in the > communications between similar entities. Also, things accumulate > over time. Therefore expressive potentials accumulate over time. > But you can go mad if you try and discuss every little thing, > again, and again. This would be similar to killing the dipole. Not > saying i have on this list, nor do i want to. But, is not the > written word, sentence, paragraph, and document and ideal > situation? An individual can re-read it over, and over, again, and > again, without bogging down, or draining the writer. > >> >> If you had been a long time subscriber who had PARTICIPATED IN >> the purpose of the list regarding anything technical, you'd have >> some 'weight' in my opinion...but as it is, your one time post >> ranks with an anonymous posting that is nothing but hot air >> attempting to stir up a semantics argument over a political >> agenda on your part. >> > > ..yes, it is your opinion, and perception, also weight is relative, > isn't it? It depends on where your attention is at. There's a > saying that goes something like 'A wise man listens even to a fool, > whereas a fool listens to no one.' ..ya just never know where those > gold nuggets are until you look, or listen. I understand that > experience accumulates to build a foundation for judgments to be > made. This works to form a navigational ability. I have learned > that even babies have important information to offer, even if they > lack the motor skills and ability to graft their expressions to my > programming. But i cannot blame them, though i might get > frustrated, and need to vent every now and then. They will > eventually be able to graft and bend, as will i, to make that > communicative connection, and thus share understanding. > >> >> No thanks. >> >> Comments and then its a dead 'issue' on my part since I have NO >> negative agenda against the government or politics; >> > > ..'negativity' is relative to what your definition of government > and politics is, or is taught to be. And, this has been most > pleasurable, thanks.