Hola Folks!

I have no doubt there is a wealth of talent all over Russia (and other countries), just begging for the opportunity to work in their chosen professions.

GM is extremely on top of it by working with these scientists. Friends in Russia tell me some of these brilliant scientists and engineers are reduced to selling ties on the streetcorner!

The late Victor Grebennikov wrote me he was only making $24US PER MONTH in his retirement.

A smart investor or better yet, group of investors, would do very well to go check out some of these people and hire them. No telling what all they know from defunct military and other projects they would have worked on with the Soviet regime.


10/28/05 - GM hires Russian nuclear scientists to develop new auto technology

(I think this is a super smart move by GM and watch GM stock in future as radical new technologies are revealed from Russian researchers! - JWD) A new research and design center is planned for Moscow which will focus on the development of batteries, fuel cells, hybrid and electronic controls.

"The government encourages US companies to do business there and to fully utilize the scientific talents there," GM spokeswoman Angele Shaw told AFP. "They have a vast talent pool."

GM is looking to take advantage of US and European Union programs that provide financial incentives to Russian scientists to develop peaceful projects, including automobile propulsion systems.

"About three years ago we began to explore the possibility of conducting research in the former Soviet Union," Alan Taub, executive director of science at GM's research and development laboratories said in a statement.

"In a very short time, working with universities, academies and scientific institutes, we saw world class results in key technologies."
              Jerry Decker - http://www.keelynet.com
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