Indeed, and you can get it online, I remember you saying it worked great, but smelling like piss puts me off ;)

If I recall he said cayenne was a component of his pain killing fruit punch but not the main ingredient.(could be mistaken)

Jerry Decker - KN wrote:

Hola Tommy et al!

Tommy Kavanagh wrote:
> Hi Jerry,
> I thought you might be interested to know that I found some DMSO and
> tried it with Cayenne.
> I did it first with regular Cayenne powder you get in the grocery
> shops: I did feel the horrible taste of the DMSO and a slight heating
> sensation around my wrist (where I applied it.)
> I then got Cayenne tincture (100,000 heat units) and tried a small
> bit of that... It burned like hell!!
> In fact, it was so painful that I think I'll stick to ingesting it
> for the moment instead, at least until I can work up a tolerance with
>  smaller amounts. :)
> Regards,
> Tommy K.

Interesting...some people claim bee stings work unless you are
allergic...there have been several TV shows with people getting stung to
relieve pain and arthritis.

There was a guy in Dallas a few years back selling a cayenne based pain reliever...but it smelled like piss was mixed with it so only a few in our group would try it...<LOL>...thanks!

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