Your statement in that last line makes no sense. Are you kidding?

 Bedini isn't using junkyard batteries. What you're remembering was 
a suggestion to test his charging methods by starting with a 
scrapped battery. This was only a test to show ONE OF THE 
NOVEL EFFECTS of his charging systems. Apparently you took it 
to mean that this was the primary objective, charging old 
motorcycle batteries to power a headlight bulb???? 

Sure, you can use it to "restore" you car battery to extend it's useful 
life. But, that's just one thing it can do.

Anyway, I'll write it out again since the old archives bit the dust.
This is in reference to the "SG project" page circuits that are posted 
on the web. Use google. 

 You can build a simple SG with nothing but a 100ft roll of speaker 
wire from Walmart as your stator winding. Just fill it with strands of 
12gauge galvanized steel mechanics wire. See that? Now you have 
a nearly ready-made stator for your motor.

For a basic SG construction project using that coil:

Use an MJ15024 or 2N3055 transistor, a 20ohm 5 watt resistor on 
the base lead, a 50v silicon diode across the base-emitter leads AT 
the transistor, a 1kv diode off the collector as your positive output, 
and a small neon bulb across the collector-emitter leads AT the 

Neo magnets will OVER-SATURATE the stator core, causing major 
losses for this application. So, again, you're wrong on that one too. 
Cripes, you've never even built one and you think you know what 
works better than what. Unbelievable.

Use a DOUBLE STACKED BaFe ceramic SHOP MAGNET, like the 
ones that Radioshack or Sears hardware sell by the pair for a buck 
a piece.

Tape about 8 or 9 of these doubled magnets around a free-spinning 
aluminum bike wheel, evenly spaced, with all north poles facing out. 
Use the spoke positions to guide your magnet positioning to keep 
things balanced.

This setup MIGHT require a minor adjustment of the base 
resistance to get it running in it's single-spike resonant mode. Or it 
might not. Depends on the phases of the moon at the time or 
something (kidding here Ken. Don't get confused).

Then, once you've actually seen one up close, you should be in a 
better position to analyze just what's going on with this thing.

This one will pull about 1amp with a 12v input on the front end.

It is NOT the same as the capacitive constant-current desulphator 
(watergas) circuit. The quality of charge in a BRAND NEW battery 
is immediately demonstratable by comparing loading characteristics 
ala charge-curve monitoring under constant load.

Yep, it really sucks to have a properly charged bank of deep-cycle 
batteries ready and waiting when the power goes out. Damn it, the 
power's out. Guess I'll just have to go make a pot of coffee and 
watch some TV. Hmmm...wonder why my neighbors don't have any
coffee, TV, or even lights on?

But, most of this has been said many times, and in many other 

A bike wheel, some magnets, and a steel-wire core in a roll of 
speaker wire that's already on it's own spool.

Honestly, it's SO complex that I can hardly believe anyone (dozens 
of people that I know of, at this point) could possibly assemble this 
HUGE collection of parts to make a working SG.


P.S.: spray-painting the steel wire strands before you pack them in 
the spool will make the SG run at a slightly higher frequency and 
slightly higher power input:output.

On 22 Nov 2005 at 9:12, Carrigan, Ken wrote:

> Jer,
> "Bedini had written that the secret is in the batteries."
> I tried years ago to get a bottom line on where this energy is coming
> from, i.e. the magnets, the battery, the flywheel, aether.. without
> success. The flipflops drove me nuts, and then it really was said NOT to
> produce 'overunity'/'COP>1' etc. Then a lot of hoopla about
> 'longitudinal waves' and A-Fields and stuff you can not measure. Still
> there is no hard evidence or replications with overunity on Bedini's
> devices (that I am aware of..) except for Beardens MEG, which I can say
> was validated by Jean Naudin to produce COP>1 (where is this device
> now?)(ps I did send a question to Jean about one can measure an RMS
> value of DC). 
> Anyways this lead acid battery thing really causes a mess in stating
> overunity. Here's why:
> About 2 days ago my sons car (one cold morning) would not start. Battery
> dead. Was a 2001 battery, so it probably needed replacement. So got out
> my desulfating charger and said before spending money, let me desulfate
> it first and see what happens. Place it on desulfate for 2 days, with a
> trickle charge. He cranked the car over late 2nd days and started
> without a problem. It now has been 2 more days and no problem starting.
> So my theory of Bendini's device?  He is desulfating slightly older
> batteries, which then will hold more charge. He is also freeing up
> surface area on the plates, where sulfuric acid electrolyte can now
> work, and charge is now available on the surface which was plated with
> sulfide. So if one can take off the sulfate from the plates, charge is
> available without 'recharging' .. Somewhat.
> Are you see my point?  Lead acid batteries, if not brand new, are bad
> indicators of free energy devices.
> v/r
> Ken Carrigan

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