Hola Richard et al!

Comments follow;

Richard H. wrote:
> Hi Jerry
> I saw you on TV in Australia last night on a (Discovery documentary)
> show called A Machine To Die For I am just reading through your
> site.

Finally made it to Australia did it? I've never seen the thing, the producers promised the participants in our group a copy on either VHS or DVD, never came through with them. As far as I know, it has only been broadcast in Canada, though several times.

That showing is what might account for the over 1400 hits KeelyNet received today though usually the hits run from 900-1200 per day.

> You sounded very sensible as you indicated the best way to get the
> technology out there is to share it rather than try to patent it and
> go to the big companies like a lot of people have done and been shut
> down.

It really depends on the technology, for things like free energy and gravity control that would impact and basically destroy so many industries, I have no doubt the government would impose a Secrecy Order and prevent the inventor from talking about it, selling it, building it, etc. with threats or imprisonment at the least.

Some think the patent office is suffused with examiners on the payroll for big companies who will shunt the application details to their bosses to beat you to it or find holes they can exploit. Big companies have an unending stream of lawyers, so if they choose to copy your patent, how could you ever get the money to fight them?

Lots of negatives for patents on these world changing technologies, but for lesser items, its probably the way to go.

> Have you seen a working over unity devise that is genuine? There were
> a lot of claims on the TV program of ones that looked genuine and
> easily reproduced. For example the one by Doug Ronsen, if that is the
> correct way to spell his name. Also there is the one on your site at;
> http://www.keelynet.com/energy/callomag.htm
> that looks simple.

I have seen a few things that made me scratch my head but I was not allowed or in a position to test it or see it truly self-running. Mr. Wilsons device, Raymond Phillips power multiplier, Tilleys building power supply and a few others I'd have to think about. None have provided details (other than Mr. Wilson who is now deceased) to allow others to build and prove it for themselves.

You refer to Doug Konzen and his pulse motors as well as Robert Calloways magnetic device. So far neither of those have panned out as to replication instructions that anyone can build and verify for themselves, or led to products one can buy, even as a kit...I refer to self-running...Doug was selling kits to experiment with, but none were self-running.

Please note self-running = perpetual motion..essentially USELESS other than as a toy or possibly a stepping stone towards the ultimate goal of a self-running device that also produces excess power that can be used to power useful loads.

> I have heard that people have tried to make similar devices from
> diagrams on the Internet, however, they did not work as over unity
> devises, although they often were claimed to work well. Do you know
> of any reasonably simple ones that would be worth making so that
> there is a good chance that they would result in over unity?

Yes, many of them from scam people who sell bogus plans using claims and buzzwords to attract the credulous. Those who don't do their homework or check out the details usually fall for these con artists.

None of these scamsters will give you your money back (though some say they will) WHEN their bogus plans fail to work as advertised. They always have some excuse if they even bother to answer your complaint. You didn't build it right. You didn't use the right parts. You didn't face east and click your heels 3 times...always something...

You might check out the magnetic anomalies page which shows how to build a few things easily and cheaply;


an overview of tapping energy via rectification;


and the 'Primer' for the detractors;


> I would be interested in linking to your site if that is ok. I also
> have another links page. Do you want to swap links with my page on
> inventions? I have many other sites such as one explaining how
> inventions have been suppressed. My sites are at the below link and
> described below.

Sure, link all you want. I am very wary of that term 'suppression'...often we don't get the complete story.

Usually someone comes out with a claim and starts gathering a following. Eventually someone asks for proof, then others DEMAND proof...under pressure to put up or shut up, the inventor claims technical problems or suppression, often moving on to another claim of success which again is not proven...so they jump from one thing to another...

You see it in the scamsters because they glom onto sensational claims using buzzwords in their articles and ads. Words they don't even understand or have no practical experience with though they claim they do.

I've seen many who start out with one thing, say UFOs, then see a bigger audience in conspiracy, then another audience in free energy, etc..etc...trying to set themselves up as experts in the field(s) when its all about attention and trying to sell their junk...or in a few cases, trying to lure in inventors to get a piece of their work if they can ever make it work and sell it.

Stick to your guns, it will all work out.

Good luck with your project!

              Jerry Decker - http://www.keelynet.com
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           Order out of Chaos - From an Art to a Science

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