Hola Folks et al!

Received this from a friend of many years who periodically checks in;

****** wrote:
Hi Jerry:

sorry for the long delay in replying to this poll.  I have not turned
the computer on for a long time and there are several thousand emails
I am working through now.

I couldn't think of any new relevant polls...<LOL>..so only ran 3 of them for 2 months...might do more in future, always an option.

This is NOT for posting to the list unless you chose to offer
meaningful information to the list group..  However, if you do so,
please delete my name and email address and give no clue as to where
this information came from.

Yes, I would like to post this and remove your contact info, etc...it is
very interesting and reminiscent of many other stories I've heard and
that others have posted or related over the years.  You never know when
there might be 'nuggets' of useful information hidden in the account.

If nothing else, it offers a light in the darkness with some warnings on
the way!!!

This is no B.S.

I supported and encouraged someone  for over 10 years who developed
what I feel (from reading so many postings on Keelynet) was an actual
working Zero-point energy device.  I saw this device work on 13
different occasions over those 10 years.  Each demonstration was
slightly different as he had made improvements. Every single time I saw the device it actually worked. The last 3 visits it produced 1.2 kW, according to the electronic voltage -
both AC and DC voltmeters, amperage meters, etc. were connected while
the device was operating.  He had a power meter as well on the last
visit to confirm the output.

It sounds a lot like Steven Marks though you didn't state the nature of
the device, an electronic circuit, something using antennas or coils, a
mechanical device that might spin to drive a generator.

Note it was only a demonstration prototype, and needed a great deal
of work to take it from the bench-top Rube Goldberg gadget to
commercial production prototype status. It demonstrated the ability to produce both AC and DC simultaneously, according to the electronic measuring devices connected to the device. On the last visit, I saw it working for nearly 3 hours. It produced no heat, and no audible sound. It was
very small as well.  It powered a series of LED or neon light bulbs
with a specific voltage drop through them, totaling 1.2 kW

Well, Marks device did get hot in operation according to reports.  It
would have to be primarily tapping AC which is rectified to produce DC
or use as is as AC.

Do you know if it was high voltage like the Hyde or Electrostatika?  Did
it use Tesla or Rumkorff coils or any kind of Van de Graff?

The issue here is that his sons rejected the proposal I made to him
to take the project of completing the production prototype level
of his device taking taking it to commercial production and
distribution - keeping his name and location secret for obvious reasons. I spent a great deal of time and work on this, on this, and submitted a proposal he felt was a very good proposal,
and told me  he would sign it in a few weeks.

Part of my proposal was to never patent the device, due to the
very high risk of theft of the technology, as patents are useless
nearly everywhere in the world now, and would enable big brother to get wind of this development which would pose a rather serious
concern to one's personal well being, to say the least.  He agreed.

Well, it can't be Marks as word was he was gay as heck with a coterie of
expensive toyboys, and he did live the extravagant lifestyle.

I did not hear from him for a long time and contacted him. He said his sons refused to accept my proposal because I did not offer him $10 M US cash up front as an Asian businessman had apparently done. So his sons badgered him into applying for a patent. He told me he was now controlled by his sons who had power of attorney over his affairs, and could do nothing
about this situation, nor could he circumvent them by passing
it over to me "out the back door" so to speak. End of story.
I have not contacted him since.

Thats a lot of money up front!!!  Probably bought out with a big payment
and a promise of a trust fund to forever take care of himself and his
kids, etc...

I was amazed when he told me this, as I was not given the opportunity
to discuss anything with his sons - who live well within all possible
definitions of the word greed from top to bottom.  So, this
remarkable technology is gone, as he is now monitored by the spy
system this government has up and running in our country and I
cannot contact him any more.

Sucks once you get on the radar...I don't have anything just yet but
with KeelyNet having an assortment of new age, off the wall files, the
intent is to confuse anyone who might dig deeper...<LOL>...

The fascinating part was that once he had it running, he began disconnecting wires from various points, it continued to run,
and the meter readings did  not change.

The output was, for all intents and purposes, apparently
flat-line.  I was amazed and most impressed with this, to say the

So he has parts which are needed to initiate the reaction but not
necessary to sustain it once it gets going?

Anyway, I have accepted this situation as yet another technology down the tube because of the greed of the family, who have absolutely no idea of what is involved in taking a
a proof-of-concept unit to the production prototype level,
securing the necessary electrical approvals to be able to sell it, then get the manufacturing and distribution systems
in place, and staying alive while all this was going on.

So it was a good lesson for me.

I know of one other such device.  The developer apparently has 6
working prototypes, all with different outputs, the largest
apparently being 5 kW. I have not seen any of them to date.  He
apparently wants a very large cash  payment to even show someone
these devices because he claims he has been led  down the
garden path by so many people who claim they could raise the
money to get it going.  Of course he only wants 95% of the
company that would produce it, and has no clue how to do what is required to get it out to market, but so be it. He feels he deserves no less than $100 Million up front for his technology, plus the ridiculous royalty of 15%.
So far no takers, so I am told.  Also, I was informed he has
an ego bigger than the moon, and is almost impossible to work with
and deal with.  So I never followed it up.

I can understand that because there are so many 'flutterbys' posing as
investment contact people...they just want the chance to see it, hoping
they can discover the secret or shuttle it on to something else for a
finders fee.

This is a key problem with inventors....GREED...really though, power,
greed and ego or a mix thereof...a shame, but there ARE OTHERS who don't
think like this.

One more for the trash heap, eventually.

That's my update.

My answers to the poll are inserted below.

Please keep up the good work, Jerry.  I really admire your
considerable contribution.  I do not reply to postings, and kind of
lurk in the background, looking for what appears to be a viable
technology.  I am convinced many such inventions or developments will
come forth from your group of highly intelligent and dedicated
subscribers to Keelynet.

Thanks, doing what I can with what I have...lemonade from
lemons...<LOL>...I suspect a lot of people do that...not a
problem....when we get there, everyone will get there...thats a
threat..I mean....a promise!!!

And thanks for the interesting anecdotes!  Nos vemos (seeya!)

              Jerry Decker - http://www.keelynet.com
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           Order out of Chaos - From an Art to a Science

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