> The init-repository script assumes git:// urls. I found the URLs in 
> .gitmodules.
> I had to change the URLs to:
> url = [https://git.]gitorious.org/qt/qttools.git
> where the part inside the brackets is modified it would be *really*cool* if 
> this > was specifiable, or if HTTPS_PROXY is specified that it is 
> autmatically changed
> to not use git://

Isn't the -ssh parameter to init-repository doing this? That is, cloning via 
SSH/git@ (which is in my experience far mor reliable than git://)



From: Jason H <scorp...@yahoo.com>
To: "interest@qt-project.org" <interest@qt-project.org>
Sent: Thursday, March 15, 2012 1:01 PM
Subject: [Interest] qt5 shapshot - not git or guitorious

I am looking for a snapshot of Qt5 but not from git or guitorius do to the fact 
that git does not work through proxies, or rather, the proxy setup where I am 

Talking about http_proxy and the like is off-topic. Been there and for various 
reasons, it won't work FOR_ME.

So I am looking for a snapshot of Qt5. The thing is if I were to use the 
snapshot from gitorious, it breaks and times out, not to mention that grabbing 
"qt5" only gets the top level and not the subdirs.

So where can I get a source snapshot, old school style?

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