Ah, thank you for clarifying. I thought you could not use top-level std dialogs 
at all in QML due to agraphics engine conflict. FWIW I whole heartedly back the 
"provide a simple StandardDialog interface directly to QML"


 From: Bache-Wiig Jens <jens.bache-w...@digia.com>
To: Jason H <scorp...@yahoo.com> 
Cc: Mark <mark...@gmail.com>; Иван Комиссаров <abba...@gmail.com>; Qt Project 
Sent: Tuesday, January 8, 2013 11:29 AM
Subject: Re: [Interest] Qt 5 and filesystem

If the OS supports a standard dialog, then QML should provide access to it. 
It's just that simple.
>Who is to say that iOS and other mobile OSs won't provide a standard 
>interface? It is a travesty that they don't. They've been able to avoid it 
>because the disparity between mobile and desktop has been very tangible. But 
>we are in a post-PC world. We are converging
 iOS with OSX, Windows with Metro, Android with the Atrix lapdock, Ubuntu on 
Phone is one use case that is likely to be the future. For these convergences, 
it will be nescessary for the platform to provide a consistent interface that 
is or replicated the standard
 dialogs of the PC era. As mobile becomes more of a content creator, we'll need 
to move data between apps, and the filesystem or file-system derived service is 
likely to be that mechanism. Similar for apps that want to print. 
>Currently, I too want to make a QML application that I can ask the user for a 
>local file. Functionally, I don't care what it looks like. I just want a 
>filename to operate on. Treeview, cloud view, I don't care. But I need that 
>component. On Desktop it'll be
 a common dialog. Remember back in the day when people didn't use common 
dialogs and everyone made their own? Then MS improved them and then your 
application looked dated and limited in function? Common dialog support 
prevents that from happening. 
>At some level, I don't care if it uses ItemViews, especially when no common 
>dialog yet exists. But if the platform has one, then I very much want to use 
>it. That alone is reason to keep the Proxy stuff in Qt5. 

Not really. The "proxy stuff" does not have anything to do with native file 
dialogs. In fact it could never give you a native file dialog. Proxying widgets 
to QML implies that you are using a pure QWidget/QPainter based dialog that Qt 
knows how to render. If you previously embedded a QFileDialog using 
QProxyWidget on a GraphicsView, you automatically got a QWidget-based non 
native fallback-implementation. Not the native one. There are many other 
reasons why putting widgets inside a QML scene would not be a good idea. The 
key to porting QWidget apps is to do it the other way around. We are doing a 
QQuickWidget for 5.1 that will allow you to embed QQuick 2 inside your 
QMainWindow. I think this will be a lot more practical and usable in the long 

As for top level dialogs, you can already use them in QML today. Just expose a 
function calling QFileDialog or whatever and they will work fine as is. We only 
have a problem when you try to embed them in the same window. Of course it 
could make sense to provide a simple StandardDialog interface directly to QML 
that does not require the widgets module. This is something we are also 
investigating for 5.1. 


> From: Mark <mark...@gmail.com>
>To: Иван Комиссаров <abba...@gmail.com> 
>Cc: Qt Project <interest@qt-project.org> 
>Sent: Tuesday, January 8, 2013 5:59 AM
>Subject: Re: [Interest] Qt 5 and filesystem
>On Tue, Jan 8, 2013 at 11:14 AM, Иван Комиссаров <abba...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Sorry for the offtop, but Finder can move files since 10.7 or 10.8 - you 
>> copy files paths with Cmd+C and move (instead of copying) them with 
>> Cmd+Alt+V (in case you didn't know).
>> My question is what the status of itemmodels in qt5? It seems they'll be 
>> here for a long time, however this discussion looks very similar to ideas of 
>> an itemviews-ng project 
>> (https://blog.qt.digia.com/blog/2008/10/24/itemviews-the-next-generation/). 
>> I didn't look quite close at this project and i wonder - is it used in qt5 
>> somehow in QML world, or does QML still uses QAbstractItemModel and friends?
>> Иван Комиссаров
>> 08.01.2013, в 12:15, Till Oliver Knoll <till.oliver.kn...@gmail.com> 
>> написал(а):
>> Am 08.01.2013 um 04:12 schrieb Charley Bay <charleyb...@gmail.com>:
>>>> ...
>>>> I concede "tree-views" may be necessary in some domains, but generally, I 
>>>> think users hate them, and there are likely better ways to represent 
>>>> information.
>>> Oh! Just don't get me started over the lack of a proper tree view in Mac 
>>> Finder! I just hate that column view and this 
>>> "up-up-up-the-file-hierarchy-change-to-next-sibling-and-down-down-down-again"-navigation
>>>  style which is enforced upon me my the Finder
 (and the lack of a proper - sic! - tree view).
>>> But Lion actually "invented" the "resize-the-window-on-any-edge", and I 
>>> think it was Mountain Lion who "invented" the "rename a file in a file 
>>> dialog" feature. So I am not yet giving up hope yet ;)
>>> Yeah right, different users, different needs ;) Or ever tried to move a 
>>> file with drag'n'drop from one subfolder into another on another branch - 
>>> within the *same* Finder instance? I tell you, that drives you *crazy* 
>>> without a tree view - there! again! -
 on the left side or so... (Not to mention that the Finder *still* lacks a 
"File Cut" (CMD + X) operation, even though the menu entry is there (greyed 
out), probably since OS X 10.0)
>>> So don't cut down that File Forest ;)
>>> Cheers,
>>>  Oliver
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>My bet is that it uses QAbstractItemModel and friends. iirc the
>itemviews-ng project was "alive" before there was any QML idea and was
>based on QWidgets, still.
>But we're drifting quite a bit here. The question was for filesystem
>stuff in Qt.
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