
Compilation fails if -static is used. Error message:

Project WARNING: Plugin class name could not be determined for qwindows

I tried building with -shared and it works. But I'd like to have a
static build. Anyone? Qt Build-Script Team? Please?

Am 14.01.2013 02:03, schrieb Philipp Berger:
> Hey everybody,
> I am currently trying to "upgrade" to Qt5 and stumbled on a problem
> while building. But, step by step. I started off by unzipping the
> to an empty folder, fired up a
> CMD with all Paths set for MSVC 2012 x64 Native, Ruby and Perl/Python
> and configured for a Debug-Build with:
> configure.bat -prefix D:/Qt/qt5-debug-shared -debug -opensource -shared
> -no-ltcg -no-fast -nomake examples -accessibility -qt-sql-sqlite
> -qt-sql-mysql -opengl desktop -platform win32-msvc2012 -qt-zlib -qt-pcre
> -icu -qt-libpng -qt-libjpeg -vcproj -incredibuild-xge -plugin-manifests
> -qmake -fully-process -rtti -sse2 -sse3 -ssse3 -sse4.1 -sse4.2 -avx
> -openssl-linked -mp -confirm-license -I
> "D:\Qt\sqlite-amalgamation-3071502" -I "D:\Qt\openssl-build\include" -L
> "D:\Qt\openssl-build\lib" -I
> "D:\mysql-connector-c-6.0.2\installDir\include" -L
> "D:\mysql-connector-c-6.0.2\installDir\lib" -l libmysql -I
> "D:\icu\include" -L "D:\icu\lib64"
> After that finished, "nmake" started, compiled - everything works.
> Now I wanted to create a second build in Release Configuration. So, once
> again - empty folder, zip, new CMD. Configure for Release:
> configure.bat -prefix D:/Qt/qt5-r-st -release -opensource -static
> -ltcg    -no-fast -nomake examples -accessibility -qt-sql-sqlite
> -qt-sql-mysql -opengl desktop -platform win32-msvc2012 -qt-zlib -qt-pcre
> -icu -qt-libpng -qt-libjpeg -vcproj -incredibuild-xge -plugin-manifests
> -qmake -fully-process -rtti -sse2 -sse3 -ssse3 -sse4.1 -sse4.2 -avx
> -openssl-linked -mp -confirm-license -I
> "D:\Qt\sqlite-amalgamation-3071502" -I "D:\Qt\openssl-build\include" -L
> "D:\Qt\openssl-build\lib" -I
> "D:\mysql-connector-c-6.0.2\installDir\include" -L
> "D:\mysql-connector-c-6.0.2\installDir\lib" -l libmysql -I
> "D:\icu\include" -L "D:\icu\lib64"
> The configure process now says:
> Project WARNING: Plugin class name could not be determined for qwindows
> plugin.
> What does that mean? I tried many things, over and over again, and I
> have no idea left.
> Cheers,
> Philipp
> P.S.: Even though I can run nmake and compile, the resulting
> applications all crash with "Failed to load platform plugin "windows".
> Available platforms are: "
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