Generally, I never need more than the fundamental types so signals/slots work.
You also have to be careful of your database and database driver. Not all are 
multi-thread friendly, and Qt may impose additional constraints. 

 From: Mandeep Sandhu <>
To: "" <> 
Sent: Wednesday, January 23, 2013 2:42 AM
Subject: [Interest] QThreads: There's no one way to "do it right"! :)
First I thought "I was doing it right"

Then they said "you're doing it wrong"

Then I thought "I _finally_ got it right"!!

Now they say "You were not doing so wrong"
(!! :D

End of my Cute poem! :P

Jokes apart, which method do most ppl here prefer when doing threading?

Clearly, if done carefully, both methods work as intented.

My rule of thumb is that, if you're doing a simple but compute
intensive task where you don't want communication via signal/slots
(probably thats what the author of the last post meant by not needing
event loop), go with subclassing QThread.

However, if your worker is a little more complex, where you need to
maintain state across runs, do signal/slot comm etc, then it's better
to go with a 'moveToThread()' approach.

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