Hi Link,

You gave me advice on this earlier, and I wasn't able to take your advice at 
that time, because I needed a functional Qt5 SDK for cross-compiling for arm.

However, I think I've found an acceptable workaround now, and I won't need to 
use qt.conf anymore.

I will do the Qt 5 build twice:  

1) Once like you suggested in the email I'm forwarding below.  That one will be 
copied onto my arm system under /usr and I won't need to use qt.conf on that 

2) Another time where Qt5 is installed into its prefix dir, and that will give 
me a working SDK for cross compiling my Qt5 apps for arm.

Do you think I understand this correctly, or am I missing something?

- Steve

----- Forwarded Message -----
From: Lincoln Ramsay <a1291...@gmail.com>
To: interest@qt-project.org 
Sent: Wednesday, November 21, 2012 7:19 PM
Subject: Re: [Interest] unable to cross-compile my Qt 5 program for 

The "correct" way is to build Qt with -prefix /usr and run make install 

Note that you won't get a useful SDK from this though (ie. you can't build 
against a Qt that's not located in its prefix).

If you need a Qt SDK that can run from <staging> and is deployed to /usr then 
qt.conf or a binary patch on the paths in libQtCore.so are your options.

Interest mailing list

> From: Lincoln Ramsay <a1291...@gmail.com>
>To: interest@qt-project.org 
>Sent: Tuesday, January 29, 2013 12:24 AM
>Subject: Re: [Interest] can qt.conf be put in a common location?
>On 29/01/13 13:44, VStevenP wrote:
>Is it possible to specify a shared location for qt.conf using an environment 
>It's being a bit of a pain to put a qt.conf file in the app dir for every Qt 
>example installed on my target system.
>Yes. That's why qt.conf is an optional thing, not something you need
    for every single Qt app.
>If I could specify a location where the file could be found, I wouldn't have 
>to create a qt.conf for every Qt example I want to run on the target.
>qt.conf overrides paths in QtCore.[so|dll|dylib] and should only be
    needed in certain non-common cases.
>So... how did you build Qt such that you need qt.conf?
>Interest mailing list
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