
I am trying to remove some Qt modules that I don't need at the moment,
however qmake isn't outputting a Makefile with the expected syntax. In
my .pro file I have:

QT += core gui webkit

greaterThan(QT_MAJOR_VERSION, 4) {
    message("Using QT5")
    QT += widgets
    QT += webkitwidgets
    QT -= printsupport
    QT -= sensors
    QT -= qml
    QT -= opengl
    QT -= quick
    QT -= network
    QT -= multimedia
    QT -= multimediawidgets

CONFIG   = qt warn_on debug_and_release

So I am expecting things like QtSensors not to be in the includes or
LIBS of the Makefile.Release however they are there. Is there some
sort of dependency with webkit that drags in the other modules?

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