Hi all,

I am working on a QML application with wizard-style pages (drawn with a 
QQuickView), and occasionally it has to pop up some windows with images.  I 
would like the image windows to be "stand-alone", meaning they can float above 
or behind the wizard GUI depending on the user's preference.

I am using a Window object from "import QtQuick.Window 2.1", and the current 
behavior is that this image window is non-modal, (meaning keyboard focus 
remains with the wizard app, which is what I want), but the window is somehow 
fixed as top-most, in front of the other non-image window.  Clicking and 
dragging the non-image window around always makes it slide under the image 
window, whereas I want the non-image window to show in the foreground when I 
click on it.

I have tried setting and unsetting various window flags, and have tried the 
various modality enums, and none of these seem to give the result I want.  I 
also tried setting a "z" property for the Window, but it seems no such property 

Is there a way to bring QML windows to the foreground or change their Z-order?  
Note that I'm not trying to steal focus from a different application - my app 
already has the focus.

Thanks, Matt

Matt McLin
Software Architect: Healthcare Division
Barco, Inc.

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