The associated bug id:

On Mon, Nov 24, 2014 at 5:12 PM, Jérôme Godbout <> wrote:

> I guess nobody care :-( I will maybe just open a bug report then
> On Wed, Nov 12, 2014 at 9:43 AM, Jérôme Godbout <>
> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I posted to the forum and been ask to forward this on the mailing list.
>> Maybe someone can shed some light on the new behavior for the scrollwheel
>> and the Qt Quick Controls.
>> Here's the forum link:
>> This behavior changed from 5.3.0 (version we are using right now and we
>> stick until we can solve this) and the 5.3.2 (haven't check 5.3.1).
>> Let's assume the following (rectangle are only there to see the scroll
>> view effect, 2 sliders to see the under mouse effect):
>> import QtQuick 2.3
>> import QtQuick.Controls 1.2
>> Rectangle
>> {
>> ScrollView
>> {
>> width: 300
>> height: 300
>> Column
>> {
>> Rectangle { width: 500; height: 500; color: “red” }
>> Slider { }
>> Slider { }
>> Rectangle { width: 500; height: 500; color: “blue” }
>> }
>> }
>> }
>> If you use the scroll wheel to control the slider value, you will also
>> scroll the scroll view at the same time, This is not only annoying, but we
>> cannot accept the event in any way on the control. If like us you have 2D
>> UI on top of a 3D UI you scroll on a slider (or any widget for that
>> matter):
>>    1. the slider change value (for a single event, since it will no more
>>    under mouse soon enough inside the scroll view)
>>    2. the scroll view panel scroll up/down (changing what's under the
>>    mouse)
>>    3. the 3D view end up zooming in/out.
>> All on the same mouse event, making a big mess.
>> The only solution I have for now is to put a mouseArea under every
>> control and accept the mouse event or change the Qt Api to send the full
>> event to control and be able to accept it.
>> Have I miss something into the API that could help us to prevent this or
>> better control the wanted behavior between cascading or not of the event.
>> Thanks, reagards,
>> Jerome
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