I’m stuck with some 3rd party code where the input is a device context (HDC), 
and I need to get the widget it’s associated with.

My current implementation (completely untested as of yet) is:
QWidget *w = QWidget::find((WId)WindowFromDC(hDC));

#1: I’m not even sure this will work (although I think it will) — I’m coding 
under OS X right now and will have to test on our windows build machine in a bit
#2: This needs to be as fast as possible as this can be called ALOT.  Any time 
the function says “find” I get worried about speed…

Does anyone know if there is a more efficient/better solution for obtaining a 
Widget given a device context?

Jason Dolan
Software Developer
Physician's Computer Company
20 Winooski Way, Suite #7, Winooski, VT 05404

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