> We built Qt 5.3.2 with OpenSSL 1.0.1i and ICU 53.1, using both Visual Studio 
> 2010 and 2013. Other build tools were Perl 5.16.2 (later should work also), 
> Python 2.7.3 (version 3.x.y not tested) and Ruby 1.9.3p448 (versions 2.0.x 
> and 2.1.x not tested).
> Our configure call is:
> configure.bat -debug-and-release -force-debug-info -commercial \
>  -c++11 -shared -no-ltcg -nomake examples -qt-sql-sqlite \  -opengl 
> desktop -qt-zlib -qt-pcre -qt-libpng -no-libjpeg -no-angle \  -openssl 
> -I "%QTDIR%\..\openssl-1.0.1i\include" \  -icu -I 
> "%QTDIR%\..\icu-53.1\include" -L "%QTDIR%\..\icu-53.1\lib64" \  
> -no-dbus -mp -confirm-license
> with directory structure
> > qt-5.3.2
>  > openssl-1.0.1i
>  > icu-53.1
>  > gnuwin32
>  > qtbase
>  > ...
> i.e. OpenSSL and ICU included into the Qt tree. %QTDIR% oints to 
> ...\qt-5.3.2\qtbase
> To have all in place, we had to call both "nmake" and "nmake install".
> Ah, BTW: Building the documentation is buggy in 5.3.2, if you need a fix, 
> give me a note.
> Best Regards / Mit freundlichen Grüßen Rainer Wiesenfarth
> --
> Software Engineer | Trimble Imaging Division Rotebühlstraße 81 | 70178 
> Stuttgart | Germany Office +49 711 22881 0 | Fax +49 711 22881 11 
> http://www.trimble.com/imaging/ | http://www.inpho.de/

Does this build a 32 bit or 64 bit version? I need the 64 bit version built for 
our application. I tried to follow the directions and build for VS2013 but the 
Webkit "stuff" just would not build. I usually build and package Qt up for our 
developers to make installing all of our dependencies as easy as can be but I 
think for this round I'll just point them to the pre-built VS2013 64 bit 
packages. (All this of course for Windows). I had no trouble on OS X or Linux 
(Mint 17).

Mike Jackson
This is EXACTLY my problem.

Even on 32 bit VS 2013, my applications that I build against the Qt I download 
wont run.  Which in my past experience has been tied to libraries built against 
different compilers.


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