2015-09-22 15:43 GMT+02:00 m...@rpzdesign.com <m...@rpzdesign.com>:
> If you are using a docker container, why use the installer at all.
> Create a docker image with the binaries already in the search path.
> You can figure out the dependencies and paths using "nm" utility in linux.
> So if you problem is docker image prep, that should be a no-brainer.
> But if you want to somehow "install" to a docker image, they why use
> docker at all, just install to the native operating system and skip
> using the convenience of the docker isolated packaging.

If I understood him right, he wants to make a Dockerfile that creates
a Docker image from scratch (i.e. something that anyone could use, and
which could be automated), not just create an image (in which case he
could of course do as you suggest, manually click through the
installer inside the running image).


> On 9/22/2015 7:32 AM, Andreas Cord-Landwehr wrote:
>> On Tuesday 22 September 2015 07:19:33 m...@rpzdesign.com wrote:
>>> Yes, write a bash script.
>> Sorry, but I do not get your point.
>> Actually, I am already writing a bash script but the problem is that I do not
>> see a way to extract the precompiled binaries from the Qt for Android
>> installer without opening a GUI window. The problem is that there is no
>> documented --no-gui option or similar.
>> Cheers,
>> Andreas
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