On 30 December 2015 at 22:25, Caio S. Souza <caiobio...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi!
> I posted this question on the QT forum and recommended me to ask it in
> the mailing list. I am developing an image manipulation app that must
> be color managed. I have a pixel buffer with the colors already
> converted to the display profile. I researched a lot and found that
> QImage works with colors in a linear color space, so everything should
> be ok. But if I create a pixmap using QPixmap::fromImage, does QT
> apply any color transformation before displaying the image? If it
> does, what is the recommended way to display this image without
> modifications?

It's been a very long time since I looked into color management in Qt4 and
I'm no expert (it confuses the hell out of me), but I doubt much has
changed since. Qt pretty much ignores color management entirely and leaves
it up to you to sort out, but it doesn't provide any way of managing it. If
you're seeing anything happening then it's at the host system level when
managing the native graphics context or in the window manager, i.e. on a
Mac it's baked in and always on, on Windows you have to turn it on. On
Linux, well it's a mess depending on which desktop you're running.

In short, I don't think Qt itself applies anything, but the host platform
might manage the result.

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