On 18.1.2016 10:21, Igor Mironchik wrote:

Can you reset model on closing of your table view, drop any data, etc...
And then close view.

Yes i am doing that. I am trying to close everything i know
i created (models, proxy models, context menus, delegates).
But the problem persists.

While inpecting the code i came to think that this class (QWindowsVistaStyle in current case) is not deleted when i close my table, but rather shared between multiple widgets. If i take
QStyle * s0 =  m_main_window->dockManager().style(); for example
where dockManager() is an unrelated QTreeView, the .text field in this
s0 contains .text from completely different QTableView (the one that
i am closing).

If I understood your correctly you are loading model again on new show?

i have one widget right from start, this is the dockManager with the style s0. This widget is the first to create and therefore i think it's the first to create the style via QStyleFactory. Some (all?) subsequent views seems to re-use this s0.

And then there is this QTableView that opens when tcp connection with data comes and closed on new connection with new data or user request.

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