I’ve got a QTableView that I’d like to be able to reorder the rows via drag n 
drop. So reading up on how to do it I stumbled across 
    void QHeaderView::setSectionsMovable(bool movable)
which allows the user to grab the header section, reorder the rows in the view, 
and then I can grab this signal
    void QHeaderView::sectionMoved(int logicalIndex, int oldVisualIndex, int 
to update my data model accordingly. So I whipped up a little test app, and it 
almost does what I want, except for a couple things:
- in the real application we aren't using a vertical header. I could probably 
change what I'm doing right now to replace what is currently my first column of 
data and put that information on the vertical header instead
- using the header view only allows the user to begin the drag on the header 
section. Ideally, I'd like the user to be able to start the drag anywhere on 
the entire row, not just the header (if I even choose to have a header)

As I've kept poking around, it looks like to do what I want I need to override 
a bunch of functions in the model class (supportedDropActions(), 
dropMimeData(), flags(), etc.) as well as enable a handful of drag and drop 
settings on the table view itself. So it goes from a one-liner doing it through 
the header class, to a lot more code in the view & model class. It doesn't look 
too hard to do, but before I go down that path, I just wanted to make sure I'm 
not missing something easier?

So the basic requirements:
- table view selects entire rows 
- user should be able to reorder rows by starting a drag anywhere on a given row
- dropping the item reorders the rows, and provides me a signal of that action 
so I can update the underlying data. My application presents the underlying 
data in a couple different spots/ways, and we want to ensure that all spots are 
always in the same order. So if the user changes the order in this table, I 
need to update the other displays as well so I just need to know when this 
event happens
- I'd love for there to be a nice visually indicator of where the drop is going 
to happen. As I was playing around with overriding the model drag and drop 
stuff, the default action appeared to highlight the a cell where the drop was 
going to happen, which looked a little weird as I was dragging an entire row, 
but the drop indicator was the border around a single cell
- all drag and drops are internal to the table, I don't need to support 
dropping anything external onto the table


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