
I am looking into migrating my code to QJSEngine, because of the deprecation of 
the QScriptEngine (QtScript). As we have used the functionality of newFunction 
very extensive and all related scripts are depending on this, the newFunction 
in QJSEngine is for us mandatory or something that creates and equivalent 

How do I currently map a native C++ class member function to the engine:
QScriptValue func_sqrt = m_engine->newFunction(sqrt, liEngine);
m_engine->globalObject().setProperty("sqrt", func_sqrt, QScriptValue::ReadOnly 
| QScriptValue::Undeletable);

This is an example of a native function:
QScriptValue ScriptModuleMath::sqrt(QScriptContext *context, QScriptEngine 
*engine, void *arg)
    if (context->argumentCount()!=1)
        return context->throwError( QScriptContext::SyntaxError, "sqrt(...): 
illegal number of arguments.");
    } else if (!context->argument(0).isNumber())
        return context->throwError( QScriptContext::SyntaxError, "sqrt(...): 
argument 1 is not a number.");

    return qSqrt(context->argument(0).toNumber());

And in this way. I can use it then in the script:
value = sqrt(4);

I actually don't want to map a whole QObject, because that would require a call 
like this:
value = MyMath.sqrt(4);

Is there any way to achive in QJSEngine the same result as I do within the 

Best Regards,

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