If you want something modern you should use QML. Maybe with QtQuickControls
2.0 to get controls, because QtQuick itself provides only primitives,
Rectangle, Image, MouseArea,... but no buttons,...

QML is made to be easy to customize instead of Widgets, you will also
capable to do nice animations.

I am using QML professionally for a software written in C++, like you we
have a 3D view that it derived from a QQuickItem. It works nice but there
is few things to know. If your 3D engine isn't threaded you have to disable
threading of QML engine and it is better to do your rendering in the

You may also be interested by Qt3D.

2016-05-08 16:40 GMT+02:00 Jan Müller <217...@gmail.com>:

> Hello,
> I was wondering, what is the preferred way to create a GUI with a custom
> look-and-feel appearance, similar as e.g. QtCreator.
> I have a modestly large application, using a QWidgets approach and I use
> 'designer' to create the ui/layout.
> The application has several modes/screens, which are accessible at the
> moment through a tabview widget.
> At the core of the application there is a QGLWidget, drawing lots of data
> coming from the C++ core.
> I would like to make the application appear a bit more modern, e.g. with
> custom look-and-feel buttons/spin-boxes etc.
> I recently discovered QML. Does it make sense to migrate to a QML based
> approach? I'm thinking of creating the mainwindow together with buttons to
> switch between the modes in QML. And instantiate my (c++ implemented)
> OpenGL widget in QML (and make it derive from QQuickItem).
> Or should I stick with the QWidgets approach and use a stylesheet to
> implement more 'fancy' looking things such as gradients and custom
> look-and-feel components?
> What does QtCreator use to implement the GUI? For example the navigation
> bar at the left with the "Welcome", "Edit", "Design", etc. buttons. I tried
> to look into the sources of QtCreator, but got a bit lost.
> Thanks a lot!
> Best,
> Jan
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