Don't worry anout using the GPU. As others have said, you can't with widgets. But the overall drawing is good. Also like others have said use QtQuick2.
What others have not said: 
I did extensive testing of Qt Quick1 with video playback. What I found was having the media backend properly configured to use hardware made the biggest difference. If you are playing MP4, then make sure your media player backend (there are several possible on Windows) and your codecs are all hardware accelerated. This is really want you need. I had an intel Atom that was sucking down 80-90% to play video, leaving not much for the UI. A few tweaks later, the video playback was only taking 10% and things were good again.  I'd say move to QtQuick2  and check your media backend. My experience was on XP, so you're on your own.
Sent: Tuesday, July 05, 2016 at 2:45 PM
From: "Jason Kretzer" <>
To: "" <>
Subject: [Interest] Utilizing the GPU, how to start?
How does one get Qt widgets to take advantage of a GPU?  If this question seem naïve, it is because it is.
With my application, I am displaying different types of media — 
mp4 (using QMedia Player)
Html (folders containing a "mini-site” using QWebView)
Images (using a Qlabel)
This Qt 5.5, Windows7/10, running on a low end compute stick.  The CPU seems to take the brunt of the performance.  Just wondering how to offload some of that?
   Jason R. Kretzer
   Lead Application Developer
“quidquid latine dictum sit altum videtur"
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