23.09.2016, 13:50, "Roland Hughes" <rol...@logikalsolutions.com>:
> What I don't like right now about Qt is the 3-legged arthritic dog
> running in deep snow called QML. It was a bastardized concept when first
> conceived and it hasn't gotten any better.

I think it isn't OK to attack a work of other people for its mere existence.
QML has large user audience which likes it and makes beautiful applications
with it, and at the same time nobody is planning to kill Widgets anymore.

>Nokia started that concept
> which explains why they are non-existent in the phone market today.


> The desperate grab for licensing revenue has them trying to make Qt all
> things to all people serving multiple masters. It will fail as
> everything which came before failed. You have to focus on one or two
> things and do them well. Remember how Java was going to cure cancer and
> end world hunger being used within every embedded device on the planet?
> The VM got so bloated trying to be all things to all people it can't
> even FIT on the embedded targets which were its original target. Don't
> tell me about how well it works on a Pi with 1-2Gig of RAM. It was
> originally targeted at single CPU (not multi-core) embedded processors
> with under 512Meg of RAM. Before you quibble there are millions of those
> things shipping in products every year. Not long ago I worked on such a
> device. It will ship 5-7 million in the next 3 years because it is the
> replacement/upgrade for multiple devices, one of which has an installed
> base of 10+ million globally.

There are many devices having under 80M of RAM available for applications,
and, thanks to Qt, it's possible to develop apps for them as well ;)

> Over the past 5 months I have seen at least 3 C++ OpenGL reqs in my
> inbox for every C++ Qt req. Most of these are coming from sites which
> used to send out C++ Qt reqs. The situation has gotten so bad people are
> once again started to work with polyForth.
> http://raspberryalphaomega.org.uk/2013/02/03/memory-map-thoughts-for-a-bare-metal-system/
> I haven't seen polyForth since the 80s but it's coming back.

Wow, that's spectacular!

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