In the meantime I am falling back on using this:

While this does not give me the OS' native support directory for the respective user at least it's consistent :)

I'd still be interested in a QSettings solution though.


On 2/02/17 4:51 PM, Frank Rueter | OHUfx wrote:
Hi all,

I have been using QSettings for reading/writing user settings.
All works well until I run my (PySide) application inside a host application that is also written in QT, and which also uses the QSettings object.

I am now struggling to understand how I can properly differentiate between the host application's settings instance and my own. In particular, I need to use QSettings().fileName() to determine the correct support path for my ini files for each platform. But this line gives me different values inside and outside the host application:

    QtCore.QSettings.UserScope, "companyName", "appName").fileName()

Outside the host application I get what I want:


But the return value is a completely different inside the host app and actually points to the host app's internal file structure.
Fair enough too I guess.

So my question is:
How can I use QSettings to determine support paths etc while making sure that I don't accidentally mess with the host applications QSettings?


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