
I'm trying to run ndefeditor example on one android tablet (with android
4.4.4), app prints QtNfc getStartIntent to console, but
targetDetected/targetLost signals aren't fired, until I add

<action android:name="android.nfc.action.TAG_DISCOVERED"/>
<category android:name="android.intent.category.DEFAULT"/>

to AndroidManifest (as suggested here with same issues

But when I do that Android trying to launch app every time I put down rfid
to nfc reader (and app crash), even if it's already launched. The only way
when it tag can be read in this situation is the first time app launch
after click retrieve button (tag is already detached from sensor).

On another tablet with 4.4.2, signals are fired correctly even if app is
not default rfid tag reader.

Tag is NXP MIFARE Classic 1k

I'm pretty sure that it's a hardware aspect issues, but maybe somebody from
Qt community had encountered such things and has alternative solutions.

With best regards, Oleg
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