It looks like making this change tightened up drawing with the apple pencil. I 
suppose I will incorporate this in my pull request if I can ever get around to 
understanding how to submit one.

> On Mar 18, 2017, at 9:46 PM, Patrick Stinson <> wrote:
> That’s correct, the floating point values are either 0 or .5.
> I am digging into this because a) it’s offered so why not use it, and b) 
> because I am seeing a little jitter in my pencil drawing and trying to 
> eliminate all causes for error.
>> On Mar 18, 2017, at 8:56 PM, Ch'Gans <> wrote:
>> On 19 March 2017 at 15:59, Patrick Stinson <> wrote:
>>> UITouch coordinates are floating point on iOS, for example for the Apple 
>>> Pencil. Is there a way to map this? Seems like this would be easy to 
>>> implement based on the QPoint version…
>> In which coordinate system are the UITouch points expressed in? Seems
>> odd to use floating point for a pixel based CS, unless half pixels
>> exist (high res display?)
>> Chris
>>> // pks: apple pencil
>>> QPointF QGraphicsView::mapToScene(const QPointF &point) const
>>> {
>>>   Q_D(const QGraphicsView);
>>>   QPointF p = point;
>>>   p.rx() += d->horizontalScroll();
>>>   p.ry() += d->verticalScroll();
>>>   return d->identityMatrix ? p : d->matrix.inverted().map(p);
>>> }
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