On 08/05/17 21:38, Till Oliver Knoll wrote:

Am 08.05.2017 um 04:12 schrieb Hamish Moffatt <ham...@risingsoftware.com <mailto:ham...@risingsoftware.com>>:

On 08/05/17 17:07, Igor Mironchik wrote:

Is it possible to set in qmake project file to put executable right in "." directory and don't use "debug" and "release" subdirs?

Which platform? It does that on linux.

Maybe you can use the DESTDIR variable to control where it's output. (I had trouble with that on Windows or Mac, I can't remember which.)

The inconsistencies between platforms are annoying.

There are no inconsistencies. Qmake puts all command line executables in ".", unless otherwise specified by DESTDIR, as correctly observed.

No it doesn't, which is what Igor posted about in the first place. On Windows it puts them in Debug and Release subdirectories.

André pointed out that the difference is that debug_and_release is on by default on Windows. You can enable it on Mac, which moves where the object files go, but the .app is still written to the main output directory instead. Except if you use "-spec macx-xcode" and build with xcodebuild, then the .app goes into Release/ instead.

On Linux, where the output is written to the main directory even with debug_and_release. The debug and release binaries overwrite each other.

That's no "inconsistency", but "expected platform-specific behaviour".

Your platform-specific behaviour is my inconsistency.... :-) It's not even consistent between generators/makespecs on the same platform, or even between Qt versions in the past.

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