2017-06-16 22:36 GMT+02:00 Enmaniac Software <enmaniac.softw...@gmail.com>:
> Ah indeed. It worked!
> To recap: I have added the following to MyApp PRO file:
> PRE_TARGETDEPS += $$PWD/../staticlib/debug/staticlib.lib
> It’s a bit pity that PRE_TARGETDEPS takes the absolute path to the file 
> rather than simply the target name (thus resolving the path on its own 
> depending on OS and naming conventions, q

qmake is a basic build system in many ways. If you are in need of a
bigger hammer, look at e.g. CMake or Meson.


> Thank you Thiago and Elivs for the help!
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Elvis Stansvik [mailto:elvst...@gmail.com]
> Sent: Friday, June 16, 2017 10:15 PM
> To: Enmaniac Software
> Cc: interest@qt-project.org Interest
> Subject: Re: [Interest] Automatic relink of executable after change in 
> dependant static library
> 2017-06-16 21:08 GMT+02:00 Enmaniac Software <enmaniac.softw...@gmail.com>:
>> Hi all,
>> I hope I am posting it in the right place. This is my first post in
>> this mailing list. If that’s not the right place, I would like to
>> apologize and feel free to direct me to the correct one.
>> As for my question. I am trying to figure out why my executable is not
>> being updated when the static library which it depends on gets
>> changed. Here are my PRO files.
>> Root PRO file:
>> TEMPLATE = subdirs
>> SUBDIRS += myapp staticlib
>> myapp.subdir = myapp
>> staticlib.subdir = staticlib
>> myapp.depends = staticlib
>> MyApp PRO file:
>> QT += core
>> QT -= gui
>> CONFIG += c++11
>> TARGET = myapp
>> CONFIG += console
>> CONFIG -= app_bundle
>> TEMPLATE = app
>> SOURCES += main.cpp
>> # The following define makes your compiler emit warnings if you use
>> # any feature of Qt which as been marked deprecated (the exact
>> warnings
>> # depend on your compiler). Please consult the documentation of the
>> # deprecated API in order to know how to port your code away from it.
>> # You can also make your code fail to compile if you use deprecated APIs.
>> # In order to do so, uncomment the following line.
>> # You can also select to disable deprecated APIs only up to a certain
>> version of Qt.
>> #DEFINES += QT_DISABLE_DEPRECATED_BEFORE=0x060000    # disables all the APIs
>> deprecated before Qt 6.0.0
>> LIBS += -L$$PWD/../staticlib/debug -lstaticlib
>> INCLUDEPATH += $$PWD/../staticlib
>> Static library PRO file:
>> QT       -= gui
>> TARGET = StaticLib
>> TEMPLATE = lib
>> CONFIG += staticlib
>> # The following define makes your compiler emit warnings if you use
>> # any feature of Qt which as been marked as deprecated (the exact
>> warnings
>> # depend on your compiler). Please consult the documentation of the
>> # deprecated API in order to know how to port your code away from it.
>> # You can also make your code fail to compile if you use deprecated APIs.
>> # In order to do so, uncomment the following line.
>> # You can also select to disable deprecated APIs only up to a certain
>> version of Qt.
>> #DEFINES += QT_DISABLE_DEPRECATED_BEFORE=0x060000    # disables all the APIs
>> deprecated before Qt 6.0.0
>> SOURCES += staticlib.cpp
>> HEADERS += staticlib.h
>> unix {
>>     target.path = /usr/lib
>>     INSTALLS += target
>> }
>> When the static library is changed, it is recompiled and relinked as
>> expected. However, the executable itself is not.
>> I have tried to use QMAKE from command line and through QtCreator and
>> have the same issue (Qt 5.8.0 and QtCreator 4.2.1, Windows 10 x64,
>> MSVC 2015)
>> Do I miss something here ?
> I think you're looking for PRE_TARGETDEPS [1].
> Elvis
> [1] http://doc.qt.io/qt-5/qmake-variable-reference.html#pre-targetdeps
>> Thanks in advance!
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