
I don't quite follow.

First you say you implemented our suggestions (move image processing in a
thread), then you say: "all operations are performed in the main (GUI)
thread"... Exactly the opposite of what we've been suggesting.

If i'm reading your reply correctly you're not offloading anything to a
separate thread ;)
Do that and the listview will feel a lot more performant.

On Sun, Aug 13, 2017 at 10:40 PM, Bernhard B <schluc...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Many thanks guys!
> I just implemented your suggestions and have to say that the scrolling
> performance definitely improved a lot. Thanks a lot for your help!
> However, as I am now doing more work (compress image + resize) before I
> populate the Listmodel, I noticed that there is a significant lag every
> time I fetch and process another batch of images from the server. I think
> that's due to the fact that all operations are performed in the main (GUI)
> thread.
> Does anyone know if it's possible to move the populating of the ListModel
> to another thread? I am aware of the WorkerScript concept, but as far as I
> know this only works for QML ListModel's and not for
> QAbstractListModel-derived models. Or is the only possibility to move the
> heavy lifiting (i.e image operations) to a separate thread and keep the
> rest in the main thread? (as Mark suggested)
> Thanks,
> Bernhard
> 2017-08-11 15:54 GMT+02:00 Andy <asmalo...@gmail.com>:
>> I've been using jpeg - something like this (where MAX_THUMB_DIM is 60):
>> void  _saveThumbnail( QImage inImage, const QString &inPath )
>> {
>>    QImage   image = inImage.scaled( MAX_THUMB_DIM, MAX_THUMB_DIM,
>> Qt::KeepAspectRatio, Qt::SmoothTransformation );
>>    QImageWriter writer( inPath, "JPEG" );
>>    writer.setQuality( 100 );
>>    writer.setOptimizedWrite( true );
>>    writer.setProgressiveScanWrite( true );
>>    writer.write( image );
>> }
>> It gives me decent-looking, reasonable sized thumbnails.
>> ---
>> Andy Maloney  //  https://asmaloney.com
>> twitter ~ @asmaloney <https://twitter.com/asmaloney>
>> On Fri, Aug 11, 2017 at 9:36 AM, Bernhard B <schluc...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Hi Andy,
>>> many thanks for your response! I am also using a
>>> QAbstractListModel-derived class that gets exposed to the QML world which
>>> contains the images.
>>> Yesterday I started to resize the images before feeding them to the
>>> ListModel. According to the QML Profiler the delegate gets now created a
>>> little bit faster, but fast scrolling is still a little bit sluggish. Today
>>> I probably will play a little bit with different image codecs to see if
>>> those have an impact. Currently I am using *.png files often which is
>>> probably not the best choice.
>>> Thanks a lot for your input, really appreciated!
>>> Bernhard
>>> Am Freitag, 11. August 2017 schrieb Andy :
>>>> Bernhard:
>>>> I don't use QML, but in my application I use a
>>>> QAbstractItemModel-derived class and a QTreeView-derived class to display
>>>> image thumbnails in the view. The way I make it speedy is to save the image
>>>> as a thumbnail so the view items don't need to resize the image data at 
>>>> all.
>>>> Maybe you could save a thumbnail of an appropriate size when you're
>>>> adding them to your model?
>>>> ---
>>>> Andy Maloney  //  https://asmaloney.com
>>>> twitter ~ @asmaloney <https://twitter.com/asmaloney>
>>>> On Fri, Aug 11, 2017 at 3:33 AM, Bernhard B <schluc...@gmail.com>
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> Hi Vlad,
>>>>> you mean the QQuickAsyncImageProvider? That one sounds really
>>>>> promising. Will definitely try that out. Many thanks for the suggestion!
>>>>> Bernhard
>>>>> Am Donnerstag, 10. August 2017 schrieb Vlad Stelmahovsky :
>>>>>> threaded image provider might help
>>>>>> On Thu, Aug 10, 2017 at 12:36 PM, Bernhard B <schluc...@gmail.com>
>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>> Hi,
>>>>>>> yesterday, I also tried to replace the Base64ImageProvider approach
>>>>>>> with a subclassed QQuickPaintedItem which paints the image in it's paint
>>>>>>> method. I imagined that this approach might be faster es no bade64 
>>>>>>> decoding
>>>>>>> needs to be done. But unfortunately it looks like as it's performing 
>>>>>>> even
>>>>>>> worse that way.
>>>>>>> Bernhard
>>>>>>> Am Mittwoch, 9. August 2017 schrieb Bernhard B :
>>>>>>>> Hi,
>>>>>>>> I would need some help from you guys on how to improve the
>>>>>>>> ListView's performance. The problem is, that scrolling through my 
>>>>>>>> ListView
>>>>>>>> sometimes feels a little bit sluggish.
>>>>>>>> If I only display some text in the ListView's delegate I can scroll
>>>>>>>> smoothly through my list. But as soon as there is a picture in the
>>>>>>>> ListView's delegate I notice that I can't scroll smoothly through my 
>>>>>>>> list
>>>>>>>> anymore. That's especially noticable if I try to scroll fast through my
>>>>>>>> list. Every time I hit a picture while scrolling through the list I 
>>>>>>>> can see
>>>>>>>> that there is a noticable delay until the picture is fully loaded. My
>>>>>>>> assumption is, that those pictures are the reason why he scrolling 
>>>>>>>> feels so
>>>>>>>> sluggish.
>>>>>>>> My application currently works like this:
>>>>>>>> * load 20 pictures via REST (pictures are base64 encoded)
>>>>>>>> * populate list model
>>>>>>>> * the Image component in the delegate uses a Base64ImageProvider
>>>>>>>> (self written) to access the model's base64 encoded content and 
>>>>>>>> displays
>>>>>>>> the image
>>>>>>>> * if the user scrolls past a threshold another batch of base64
>>>>>>>> encoded pictures is fetched from the server
>>>>>>>> I also found this document: http://doc.qt.io/qt-
>>>>>>>> 5/qtquick-performance.html#rendering and tried to apply as much as
>>>>>>>> possible. In detail I applied the following changes:
>>>>>>>> * removed complex bindings from delegate
>>>>>>>> * set sourceSize property for Image
>>>>>>>> * increased cacheBuffer a bit
>>>>>>>> * profiled with QML profiler and improved a few things
>>>>>>>> But still, the ListView feels a bit sluggish. The strange thing is,
>>>>>>>> that it's most noticable on Android whereas on Windows and iOs it is 
>>>>>>>> better.
>>>>>>>> Does anyone have an idea on how to improve that?
>>>>>>>> Any help is really appreciated.
>>>>>>>> Thanks a lot!
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>>>>>> --
>>>>>> Best regards,
>>>>>> Vlad
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