It's not misleading when it is a hog fattened way past market.

90% of the embedded systems I encounter have no GPU so the driver issue is irrelevant. You get rid of all needless things to improve battery life. Claiming an i.MX6 which most certainly must need grid power or batteries the size of a house is the "normal" embedded processor for medical devices or industrial control is simply ludicrous.

I was using a Pi-II not a 1. The Pi-II has waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay more horsepower than the vast majority of embedded systems I'm talking about.

Please do not mislead people. QML is a horrible wretched thing which should never have seen the light of day. Offering up "The Microsoft Solution" of "throw hardware and grid power at it" is simply no solution for the vast majority of embedded systems especially in the medical field.

On 10/19/2017 02:04 PM, Filip Piechocki wrote:
On Thu, Oct 19, 2017 at 2:43 PM, Roland Hughes < <>> wrote:

    Scroll down and watch the video. QML is an 800 lb gorilla trying
    to ride in a 2 cylinder car.

Application used here is of course the best candidate for widgets implementation as it does not use QtQuick advantages.

Do this:
in Qt Widgets and share your results.

But please, do not mislead people. You run this app with software OpenGL on a device with really weak CPU. Xorg alone eats all resources of RPi 1 as it has no HW GPU acceleration. In my company we get 20-25 fps when rendering maps on a quite powerful (for embedded world) x86 and like 230% CPU usage (of 4 cores) as there is no linux driver for its GPU. Meanwhile - we get stable 60fps on i.MX6 DualLite (2 ARMv7 cores 792MHz) with 12-20% CPU usage. All done with QtQuick.

    Nasty worthless resource pig which exists only to pursue script

    On 10/19/2017 04:38 AM, Vlad Stelmahovsky wrote:
    QML is not that resource hogging as JS. dont use JS and you'll be

    On Tue, Oct 17, 2017 at 8:11 PM, Roland Hughes
    <>> wrote:

        On 10/17/2017 12:54 PM,
        <> wrote:
        On ter?a-feira, 17 de outubro de 2017 08:11:13 PDT Roland
        Hughes wrote:
        The bug tracking system is under our control - it will not just
        disappear (from our perspective).
        Oh yes it will!

        Speaking as someone who has heard that soooooo many times before, let's
        just count a few for Qt shall we.

        The Trolltech bug database was never going to just disappear (from our
        perspective). It did. A tiny fraction of the bugs migrated to the new
        system but most were mass exterminated with
        The TT TT was not a public database. It existed internally only. When we
        switched to a public bugtracker, we could only export some entries 
since many
        had confidential customer information. Those that were exported had to 
        review by a person to make sure we were not violation any NDAs or

        That's the same reason why the code repository starts with Qt 4.5, not 

        "The version this bug is reported against is no longer supported..."

        The Nokia bug tracker was never going to just disappear (from our
        perspective). It did. Few, if any of the older bugs made it into the
        current database. Most were mass exterminated with
        There was no Nokia database. We switched straight from the internal tdb
        (that's what it was called) to JIRA.
        There was a Nokia bug base as well, at least for a while. I
        and others entered bugs into it back in the day. Your
        argument also re-enforces a great many bugs "simply disappeared."
        I hear from quite a few companies in similar boats. They started
        development for a medical/industrial device which had a lengthy
        testing/approval process, filed bug reports for that version only to see
        them rot or fall victim to a mass extermination.
        Most open source projects don't support old versions, since they don't 
        the manpower to do so.

        The current owners of Qt and the current OpenSource maintainers don't
        offer or seem to understand the concept of an LTS (Long Term Support)
        version. They are constantly pursuing script kiddies and that worthless
        QML instead of maintaining the base which built them. This will soon
        force a fork in the OpenSource project. One which rips out all of the
        QML and focuses on nothing but bug fixes for 12 years. Yes, 12 years.
        Again, offence taken.
        Take all of the offense you want. Medical devices and
        industrial controls need LTS versions, not resource hogging
        QML features. Qt's chasing of the idiot phone market which
        has 6 months at best life spans is alienating and chasing
        away the very industries which made Qt successful.
        I don't know who plans on forking. There's no such division in the 
        so any attempt to do so will probably start with very few developers. 
        certainly, fewer than critical mass to maintain the codebase.

        See TQt (Trinity Project) for an example of a fork attempt.
        It's easy to fork something you have been maintaining
        internally for years. There _IS_ such a division. You don't
        know about it because they don't come here. They justifiably
        believe they've been abandoned. The relentless pursuit of
        "new cool features" to please the phone crowd is causing the
        much larger medical device and industrial control industries
        to create their own LTS.

        How many questions have you seen on here over the past 18
        months about Qt 3? That project Harmman (sp?) calls about
        periodically sells north of a million units per year and the
        company is maintaining Qt 3 on its own so they can make minor
        product enhancements which don't have to go though multi-year
        clinical trials. They aren't the only calls I get about
        products using Qt 3, 4.2, and the most likely soon to be
        orphaned (if not already) 4.8. Every company I am contacted
        about using earlier versions has their own staff maintaining
        the code base today. They have had no other choice. If
        anything, joining forces with someone who is not a competitor
        but using the same tool set will lighten their load.

-- Roland Hughes, President
        Logikal Solutions
        (630)-205-1593 <tel:%28630%29%20205-1593>
        <> <>

        Interest mailing list <>

-- Best regards,

-- Roland Hughes, President
    Logikal Solutions
    (630)-205-1593 <tel:%28630%29%20205-1593>
    <> <>
    <> <>

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Roland Hughes, President
Logikal Solutions

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