Hi, today I installed Ubuntu 17.10 and it really looks nice, can't wait to deploy the more "serious", I mean LTS, 18.04 release.

Of course I want Qt to go with that so I went to qt.io and landed on https://www.qt.io/download-qt-installer. Looks nice and new, the download buttons animate when you hover on them. However, while on Windows and MacOs you only get one Download button, on Linux you'll get two, one for 64-bit and one for 32-bit.

2 buttons are fine, the problem is that whichever button I click on, I always get qt-unified-linux-x86-2.0.5-2-online.run downloaded, not the qt-unified-linux-x64-3.0.2-online.run :-(

Using the classic trick of disabling javascript to speed up the loading of the pages of qt.io works also here, if you reload https://www.qt.io/download-qt-installer without javascript then you'll get to choose yourself which of the 4 online installers you want to download (just like last year).

I think this is javascript bug on qt.io which does not benefit new users trying to download Qt on Linux. Is there somewhere to send a bug report?

Rgrds Henry

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