On Tuesday, 10 July 2018 16:23:53 CEST Thiago Macieira wrote:
> On Monday, 9 July 2018 23:42:06 PDT Dirk Hohndel wrote:
> > When upgrading to Qt 5.11 we ran into an odd problem when packaging our
> > app... we seem to be missing a dependency for libQt5PositioningQuick.so
> > (or
> > QtPositioningQuick.framework on Mac). What's odd is that this worked
> > perfectly fine with Qt 5.10 - so nothing from our side has changed.
> > 
> > I'd love to hear if there's a magic incantation I could tell cmake to make
> > sure that library is bundled.
> There should be no magic, not more than for any other module. The cmake
> files are autogenerated for all Qt modules, so Qt5PositioningQuick is not
> different from any other.



@Dirk: The question is: How do you package/bundle your app? There's no 
functionality in Qt's CMake files that help in that regard, to my knowledge. 
Thus nothing which may break to begin with ;)

Bundling is usually done via the different *deployqt tools for each platform, 
and they operate on the application binary which is used to scan for its 


Kevin Funk | kevin.f...@kdab.com | Lead Sales Engineer
KDAB (Deutschland) GmbH, a KDAB Group company
Tel: +49-30-521325470
KDAB - The Qt, C++ and OpenGL Experts

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