Christoph Feck wrote:
> in practice most bug fixing is spent to make the
> new features actually work. There is no point in adding features, if
> they are not useable because of bugs.

Funny you should say that. I actually wish this was true, but take a
look at the sad history of QTBUG-52108 for an example of how it really
is. A new feature came out in 5.6 in a state that made it unusable
from the start and it also broke some previous stuff on the way. With
new releases it deteriorated further and now there's an unusable
feature and no fixes for either the regressions or the new bugs. At
this point I don't expect it to ever get fixed as it's "just" P2. This
seems to be the norm for the last few releases - one step forward two
steps back.

> Also note that everyone has their own favorite bugs

Sure, but there are bugs and then there are bugs. I totally get that
some missing links in the doc (QTBUG-69484) are just tiny
inconvenience and not a big deal to overwhelming most, but something
like basic mouse events not working correctly (QTBUG-68221) or crashes
and memory leaks on something as fundamental as docking a window in a
window framework kinda is a big deal to me.

Anyway, I really don't want to stretch this rant. I'm just bummed
about the degrading quality of my favorite framework and I hoped I'm
not the only one that noticed. But maybe I am.
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