I want to create a QAbstractItemModel to watches Entity that have a custom
component. The custom component would have information (a list key value
pairs) for the QAbstractItemModel to change visibility of Entity's via a
QLayer.  The QAbstractItemModel would be attached to a ListView to allow
users to enable and disable visibility. I'm having trouble figuring out how
to access signals and slots for add/remove entity and component events. I'm
think about writing a custom aspect since it get's add/remove/property
updates. The custom aspect probably won't do any real work, ie no jobs, and
just produce scene updates to another component that manages
QAbstractItemModel in the frontend. I think it's possible, but Qt3D uses
QNode::id() for scene events. I would then need to covert the QNode:id() to
a QNode. It looks like there's no public API to ask the private QScene to
convert QNode::id() to a QNode*. I would have to linear search from the
root entry to all the leaf nodes to find QNode::id() for QNode*. This seems
a bit silly.

How bad is it to use private API on Q3DCore::QScene::lookupNode() function
and QNode's private data to get QScene through Q_D()?


Is there a public version to convert id to QNode?


Is this monitoring approach a bad idea? I just need a list of QEntrity's
and corresponding QComponent's and signals and slots for when they're being
added, removed, or updated for QAbstractItemModel implementation.

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