On 1/3/2019 12:22 AM, Konstantin Shegunov wrote:
On Wed, Jan 2, 2019 at 5:55 PM Roland Hughes <rol...@logikalsolutions.com <mailto:rol...@logikalsolutions.com>> wrote:

    By then, Qt has abandon them.

Yeah, recently I had worked on a couple of projects for one such company (in aviation meteorology). They were "abandoned" for many years because it takes at least minimal effort to actually follow the new releases and support your code, which they did not.

Yeah "minimal effort." If they were actually able to move in the time you mention, then their stuff must not have played in the heavily regulated side of the FAA. Someone, I forget who, has already piped up that something as "simple" as changing to a new compiler version is a 4-6 week effort FOR THE COMPANY. Developers, documentation group and the QA department. For a medical device, even one which poses "minimal" direct risk to the patient like those patient monitors they hook people up to in ER, this involves:

A documentation team completing all of the required FDA device change documentation including a complete test plan.

Review of said documentation by the FDA followed up by meetings with FDA to get approval for said change.

Then and only then, are you allowed to start coding.

This is followed by intensive internal QA per the test plan. In parallel you are establishing the manufacturing line with all required controls and documentation including training of the workers who will build the final product. This final product is the one you and the external teams are required to be testing on. It has to come off the actual production line.

At least one, sometimes multiple external QA by one or more companies selected/approved by the FDA.

Once you pass all of that you go to field/clinical trials for months and in many cases years.

I could have left out a few steps. Usually not brought in until the coding stage.

I was on one of these projects which resulted from the lead-free requirement.


From start of coding until external QA it was 8+ months involving teams plural at multiple locations.

The project happened because one chip supplier refused to versions of the same chips which could be soldered with something other than lead based solder. As soon as one thing has to change the entire process starts.

 Complex programs won't just run by themselves forever if you are not willing to put in the time to support them, don't expect others to do the dirty work for you. Just hoping, and also spreading such expectations, that a library (or a system) is going to guarantee compatibility and at the same time get updates forever is neither realistic, nor is it going to happen, Qt is no exception.

You know. I only hear that from the PC world. In the world of real systems it is the norm. The Irish Rail system ran north of 17 years on an OpenVMS cluster 24x7 without a moment of outage despite upgrades. It's not unique. When the OS moved from the 32-bit VAX platform to the 64-bit Alpha platform there was even a VEST (VAX Environment Software Translator) utility provided for customers who only had a binary because they purchased software from a company which wasn't around anymore. Something similar existed for the move from Alpha to Itanium but I was never at a place where anyone used it.

IBM had a rather similar non-event move for customers moving from MVS to Z/OS. At least the few customers I have contact with who made the move said it was mostly a non-event. Some of them are running systems originally written in the 1970s.

This happens regularly in the business world. It's the expectation of the business world and is 100% realistic.

How much really ever has to change with a loan amortization program? It requires a base loan amount, origination date, number of months, interest rate, payment frequency and a compounding factor. From that it generates the payment report. These programs weren't even impacted during Y2K because they had to solve Y2K when they were originally written in the 1970s. Those 30 year mortgages didn't end until after 2000.

Additional obnoxious and irrelevant stuff I have no intent addressing at all.

Roland Hughes, President
Logikal Solutions
(630) 205-1593


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